
Monday, June 18, 2012

Well, I'm now able to fashion legible blog posts - thanks to my daughter who quickly assessed what was wrong and fixed it in a few minutes.

I'm still forced to take twice as long to post anything with pictures, so I'm going to try and cut back on posting as many pix as I usually do. I now have to reformat and clear the post in preview stage before posting, that takes a while. So I hope you'll bear with me over the next few weeks as I hope and pray Google fixes whatever was causing this jiggery-pokery in the first place.

At least I can now blog.


Apologies in advance. I can't post anything for now (at least until my daughter can take a look near the end of the week and maybe figure out what's wrong). I have no trouble typing out a completed post, but when I try to preview it, there's something erasing parts of my text. Instead of text, I get white horizontal boxes substituting for lines of type. I thought I could re-type everything, but even that's not working.

I believe it has something to do with trying to post type and pictures. I know, it makes no sense. But I had a full movie post completed for tomorrow's Forgotten Movie meme (with pictures inserted) and whole blocks of type are whited out - although in the compose mode, the text is still there, still visible.


  1. Hello Yvette:
    How really frustrating for you. We do so hope that your daughter will be able to fix the problem without too much difficulty.

  2. Yvette, I have had problems with my blog too, little glitches that seem to defy solution, especially when I am trying to post pictures with the text. I hope you are able to resolve the issue soon though so far your homepage looks okay too me.

  3. Thanks, Jane and Lance. I hope so too. I can't even begin to imagine what could be wrong. Hopefully it's something that can be fixed asap.

  4. Prashant, the same thing keeps happening here. Things that defy explanation. It's a mystery.

  5. That's technology for you …

    Hopefully your daughter will be able to sort it out.

  6. If it is a consolation. I just experienced the same exact problem. I could not caption my images.

  7. Oh oh -- I hope whatever glitch it is there is an easy solution to it, Yvette! Perhaps the photos have some code attached to them that is doing this? Your daughter should check the HTML in edit to see.

    PS: I sent you a fun article in facebook about "early lost TV shows" thta I thought you'd enjoy!

  8. It's more than that for me, the text simply disappears. Oh Iba, tell me I'm not the only one. I thought maybe it's something I'd done. Well, my daughter is arriving to the rescue on Friday morn and if she can't figure it out no one can.

    I didn't realize you had google blogger too, Iba??

  9. Pat, I will ask her to remove that thingy you're talking about. I wish EVERYONE would remove it. I am constantly having to swirl the thing around sometimes as m any as three times just to be able to figure out what the heck it is. Jeez.

  10. I did read that piece, Pat and commented on Facebook. It was a fun link. If my google blogger was cooperating I'd post it on the blog with my own list. Maybe next week. :)

  11. I hope it can be worked out. I miss your regular posts already.

  12. Something for your daughter to check (I don't know Google Blogger well enough to try anything myself) would be to see if something is going wonky with the background color. As your text appears in white type, if the background color is switching to white (which may be a default), it would be impossible to see your text on the background, although it would still be in your original html. Just a thought; I know how frustrating this kind of thing can be. Hang in there.


  13. Cheers for genius daughter computer mavens!

    I do not understand these critters nor how to fix anything, and am at the mercy of knowledgeable friends.

    So, I sympathize.

    Am missing your blog. Hope your daughter's ministrations can fix what ails this system so you can keep on blogging.

  14. Thanks, guys! I'm able to post now. Apparently, there's an extra step involved, but hey, no complaints. It's just that I'm going to cut back on picture inserts as best I can.

    My daughter is amazing. :)

  15. Thank your computer genius daughter for all of us. We appreciate her skills so much!


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