
Friday, May 18, 2012

Playing With Dolls

Hold on to your...shower curtain. Can you believe your eyes?

Yes. At one time, Madame Alexander actually created this doll to commemorate one of the most horrific scenes ever shown in film: the shower murder scene in Alfred Hitchcock's PSYCHO, considered by many to be a classic. Considered by me to be - not so much. But that's neither here nor there. I haven't seen it in years and it's possible I might have changed my mind.

At any rate, it's the doll I'm focused on today. (And notice she is very chastely covered with a towel.)

Sometimes you just have to shake your head.


  1. My combined love of tacky souveneirs and the macarbe means that this would be right up my street!! :)

  2. This brought a big smile to my face.

  3. You gotta be kidding. A PSYCHO DOLL? Bwahahaha! Can you see buying that for your child?

    More seriously, I think Psycho is one of Hitchcock's best - not least because you never really see the violence you think you see. It's no slasher flick; it's Bernard Herrmann's music, and Hitchcock's masterful editing, that makes you think you've seen a really horrific murder.

  4. Not scaredy-cat me. I didn't take a shower for a week as a young teen-ager, after my year-older cousin told me about this scene after she had seen the movie.

    Never saw the movie. The doll is macabre.

  5. A Madame Alexander PSYCHO shower doll actually exists? How marvelously evil and wrong! Stick a fork in me, Yvette, I'm done! :-) Thanks for sharing this daft little curio with us!

  6. Then you should definitely get one, Lucy. If you can find one that is. I'll bet they're pricey these days.

    When it comes to 'tacky' this takes the cake. Ha!

  7. Ryan, yup - you have to laugh or at least, smile. It's just too much.

  8. Les: Well, if you want to warp your children....HA! Nah, this is more of a collector type thing. Remember they also did the doll of Tippi Heddrin in The Birds. Very strange.

    I think the reason I never liked the movie - at least when I saw it then - was that I figured out what was going on pretty early.

    You're right though, all the violence is basically implied. He let our imaginations fill in the rest.

  9. Kathy: You are a scaredy cat. Ha.

  10. I know, Dorian. Isn't it awful? I'll share that fork, kiddo. Ha!

  11. Yeah. I am a scaredy cat.

    My sister recently reminded me that she'd watch horror and disaster movies and I'd vacate myself from the room -- actually run upstairs and read Sherlock Holmes, Perry Mason or Nero Wolfe (and maybe a Dorothy Sayers or Josephine Tey), not many options in those days.


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