
Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Good Wishes

I spotted this gorgeous vintage Memorial Day postcard at Rosemary's blog, Content in a Cottage, and loved the look of it so much I decided to post it here as well. 

Have a good one. (I'm waiting for the parade to begin in town.)


  1. Hello Yvette:
    It is indeed a lovely card and we do hope that you will have an enjoyable time watching the Memorial Day parade.

    Here, in Hungary, we are celebrating Whitsun with a day's holiday.

  2. Hi, Yvette - Hope you had a good day - I went to an art museum with lots of Rubens paintings ...

  3. Hi Jane and Lance, I hope you too had a great and sunny day. Though it was a bit hotter and more humid yesterday (and today) than it should be.

  4. Oh, sounds like you had a better day than mine, Mark. :)


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