
Monday, April 16, 2012

Nobody Panic - It's still me.

Rocky - Master of the Universe

Bear with me while I make a few blog alterations (well okay, more than a few). Just trying to get a lighter tone going on for the Spring and Summer months. It's not finished yet, so if you hate it - not to worry - it's still in the process stage.

I got tired of looking at all the dark colors on these sunny, summery Spring days. We'll see how it goes.


  1. Hello Yvette:
    A change is as good as a rest. Or so they say. Whatever, it is fun to alter things from time to time and we shall certainly look forward to seeing the new, completed look.

    Meanwhile, have a good week.

  2. Dear Yvette - you are much more adventuresome than me. I am always worried in case I loose everything, and then cannot reclaim it.

  3. I love your new look but I also loved your old look. Just don't change any of your feature posts - 'cuz that's what I come here for over and over again.

  4. I like the new look. And Rocky is SO sweet!!

  5. looks good so far- cute picture of rocky !!

  6. Looking forward to the final look. I would love to change over my blog to a three column template like yours, but I'm so tech incompetent that I'm afraid I'd lose everything!!

  7. Jane and Lance, I will, eventually go back to the look I had for so long with the very dark background and all. Sometime in the Fall. But as you say, time for a rest or a change. Hopefully both. :)

  8. Rosemary: I don't think you can lose content by fidgeting with the design. But as for the look of things, I like to mix and match now and then according to the season and my mood.

    But I'll be back to the dark colorings when Fall comes.

    I say BE ADVENTUROUS! :)

  9. Thanks Belle, let's just say this is my temporary new look because as I've mentioned, I will go back to the tried and true come Fall.

    The content stays the same, for better or worse. :)

  10. Thanks, Joan. I'm still fine-tuning. Isn't Rocky a hoot?
    I call him Mr. Growly Pants.

  11. Thanks, Skye. An old pix of Rocky that I still love. He looks so innocent. HA!

  12. Joanne, I'm pretty sure you can't lose content by juggling the design.
    Take a chance if you really feel like a change. Why not? :)

  13. Go Rocky! How cute! He is definitely the mascot of this website.

    The new look is fine, as long as I can find vintage movies and book reviews and the art Salon and everything else.

  14. Hey, I visit for the content, Yvette; do what you will with the layout. As long as Rocky approves, he and you have my vote.

  15. I don't care what you do with your blog look, it will always look amazing because you have amazing taste.

  16. Still strikingly handsome, indeed.

  17. Thanks, Kathy, I thought it might get confusing what me me experimenting and all, but be assured that it's just a seasonal thing. Rocky and I and the content will always be the same. More or less. :)

  18. Thanks, Les. I get tired of the same look all year round, it's my Gemini nature, I suspect. :)

  19. Why thank you, Ryan. I guess I like to keep things lively around here, visually and every other which way. It's still the same old me lurking behind the curtain. :)

  20. Thanks, Todd. I didn't know you noticed such things. :)

  21. Hi Yvette! Hello Rocky!oloadow ossra

    I like your blog re-decorating! Very pretty!

  22. Sorry for those funny letters after my salutation to Rocky --they were your blog's security code that I was obviously typing in on the wrong

  23. Thanks Pat, I do enjoy redecorating. :)

  24. Rocky's picture reminds me that a friend who retired from teaching and lives alone in San Diego, adopted a dog named Minnie a year ago.

    She is part Dachshund and looks part Chihuahua and was 4 when he took her home. He said she was so forlorn that she wouldn't even look at him but cast her eyes downward.

    Now he plays with her all day, gets up in the morning to walk her. Both of them are happy.

    So it's a reminder to rescue a dog -- or cat, if you can, and in retirement, that's a great time.


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