
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A New Jim Rockford?

James Garner as Jim Rockford

Omnimystery is aghast but I kind of am not.

This particular casting news actually doesn't sound too bad to me. Vince Vaughn as Jim Rockford in a new adaptation of The Rockford Files. Sure, he's no James Garner- but who is?

The thing about Vince is, he seems to have Garner's 'squishy' quality. At least that's what I call it if an actor has the type of face that has no sharp edges and can go  funny and sad at the same time.

What do you guys think?

Vince Vaughn


  1. I think the people who thought this one up are the same ones who devised the "let's-start-the-backyard-grill-with-gasoline" gambit.

    Needless to say, I am not on board with this at all.

  2. Vince Vaughn as a Rockfordesque detective "might" work. Anybody as Jim Rockford besides James Garner is a nonstarter as far as I'm concerned.

  3. I am against remakes and sequels of any kind as this promotes unoriginality and creative suicide, so a great big NO from me.

  4. My 'squishy' analogy didn't sway you, huh, Ivan...Ok.

    So noted.

  5. Oh if they tray and imitate James Garner, it will NEVER work. But I'm simply giving them the benefit of the doubt. I'm assuming they will try their own approach and NOT attempt to replicate Garner's inimitable style.

    Of course, I could be wrong.

  6. So noted, Mike. So far I seem to be in the minority with a maybe from Caftan Woman.

  7. I dont watch enough to be able to make an intelligent choice here, Yvette, but I do note that Jeff Pierce over at The Rap Sheet blog is REALLY unhappy about it!

  8. Well, Jeff and I usually agree on most things so maybe I will have to re-think this one. :)

  9. This might work even tho I don't like Vince he does have that type of face BUT NO James Garner!

  10. Thumbs down. H'wood needs to forget about remaking Rockford and write an original character.

  11. No one is Rockford except for James Garner.

    Let Vince Vaughan be in another series and not try to be Garner, as it won't work.

  12. Naomi: Your vote is counted. :)

    If Hollywood thought it could be original, it wouldn't have such a need for do-overs.

    Especially when they got it right the first time.

  13. Kathy: Well I doubt Vince Vaughn can 'be' James Garner, I'm assuming he'll create his own version of Rockford.

    But I've come around to the naysayers' point of view.

    I don't read the Kay Scarpetta books so I have to idea if Angeline Jolie playing the character is the worst casting decision ever made. :)

    You know how I love to exagerrate.

    I havwe to say that I loved Angelina Jolie in SALT - a helluva thriller and a terrific movie.

  14. Anonymous: We can all agree that Vince Vaughn is no James Garner. :)

  15. Vaughan does not have enough "grizzle" to compare to Garner. But he could bring his own "thing" to it, I suppose.

  16. Everyone who loved Rockford associates him with James Garner. It's very hard to redo a classic series with a newer actor. Those don't seem to work.

    Hmmm, now if Tom Cruise played Paladin, reprising Richard Boone's role, how would that work out? (The mind boggles.)

  17. And of course, Iba, we would have to learn to appreciate whatever that 'own thing' might be. Ha.

  18. Tom Cruise as Paladin?

    Now you've done it! Out on the Net!

    What if one of TV's Creative Geniuses happens to read this?


  19. Fred: I'm sure it's occurred to them already. If it's disastrous it's occurred to them.

    Tom Cruise as Paladin. HaHA!!!


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