
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Happy Birthday, Ann Miller! (1923 - 2004)

Ann Miller in Easter Parade. Source

One of our favorite dames of dance, Ann Miller, was born today in 1923. I have to say I thought she'd live forever, she always had so much sparkling energy and joie de vivre.

Watch this Too Darn Hot dance sequence from KISS ME KATE. 

Ann Miller was made for movies and vice versa. She always seemed perfectly comfortable and at home up there on the big screen.

Happy Birthday, dear Ann. I hope wherever you are, there's plenty of dancing going on.


  1. I remember her most fondly in Capra's You Can't Take it With You :)

    Happy Birthday!

  2. I will always remember seeing her as Carlotta in "Follies" at The PaperMill Playhouse in NJ in 1998. She still had it and rocked the house!

  3. Oh, WOW - look at those legs! Fantastic - thanks for sharing this video!

  4. Iba: Ann Miller was one of those film stars who always made you smile - in fact, just thinking about her makes me smile.

    That's as good a legacy as any. :)

  5. Gilby you really are fortunate to have seen her in person. I'll BET she rocked that house!

    I love Paper Mill Playhouse and remember seeing several excellent productions there over the years.

    But not, unfortunately, any with Ann Miller.

  6. You're welcome, Debbie. Ann Miller was one of the MGM bevy of talented stars who are always worth a second, third and fourth look.

    I loved her too in ON THE TOWN - well, truth be told, can't remember NOT loving her in anything she ever did. Even when she dumped Fred Astaire in EASTER PARADE. :)


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