
Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday's Forgotten Books: The Joshua Croft books by Walter Satterthwait

I'm not quite sure if this is the last Croft book or not. It may be just a Brit. title change.

Today is Forgotten Books day, a weekly meme hosted by Patti Abbot at her blog, PATTINASE. Every Friday we gather round and dish forgotten or overlooked books we've known and loved. Don't forget to check in over there and see today's listing. LINK.

My choice for today is not just one book, but a whole series. Author Walter Satterthwait is a prolific writer of historical mysteries as well as more contemporary fare. His keenly researched and witty historicals include characters such as Arthur Conan Doyle, Harry Houdini, Oscar Wilde and Lizzie Borden - not all in the same book. To get a complete listing of Satterthwait's work please use this link.

My favorite books of his though, are those in the fast-paced, contemporary Joshua Croft series set in modern day Santa Fe, which he wrote in the 1990's. I read them all then and assumed he'd write some more but he never has. Too bad.

Even stranger, the Croft books seem to be out of print most of the time.

Going over the list for today's post I realized that I couldn't remember much except the setting, the two main characters and the fact that I loved the books first time around. So I suppose that's reason enough reason for a complete re-read this summer.

Joshua Croft is a Santa Fe private eye who runs a detective agency with his partner, Rita Mondragon. She is a wheelchair bound widow and the object of the rugged Croft's unrequited love. 

They are an unusual combo in a colorful setting though Croft, very often, must travel around the U.S. or into Mexico when on the hunt for bad guys. He drives a Subaru but is a no-nonsense kind of guy with attitude.

Do what I'm going to do: find these books and read 'em again or for the first time.

Good News: I'm informed by Bill Crider (author and international bon-vivant) that the Joshua Croft books have been released in e-book form by Otto Penzler's Mysterious imprint. Thanks for the tip, Bill.


  1. Thanks Yvette - I don't read all that much historical fiction and so I have not actually heard of Satterthwaite before - as always, thanks for the education. Is there really no one specific title you might reccommend for a newbie such as myself?


  2. These Satterthwait novels are well worth looking for. Very underrated!

  3. Sergio, the Joshua Croft series is set in modern day, sorry if I didn't make that clearer. So I'd begin at the beginning with WALL OF GLASS. The Croft series is my favorite of all his books.

    If you want to read one of the author's historical fiction books, I'd recommend the ones (just going from vague memory here) with Harry Houdini the early 20th century magician. Check the Fantastic Fiction link in the post and you'll get the full listing. Most of his historicals are witty and humorous.

  4. I agree with you, George. I can't understand why there aren't any more.
    Very short sighted of the publisher.

  5. Hey, I also drive a Subaru! :)

    These sound like interesting books, Yvette.

  6. They ARE, Pat. Great charismatic characters and setting.

  7. These have all just been reissued as eBooks by Penzler's Mysterious imprint.

  8. Great news, Bill! Thanks for letting us know. :)


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