
Friday, March 23, 2012

Friday's Foreign Film Poster

The German poster for the film, FRENCHMAN'S CREEK starring Joan Fontaine and Arturo de Cordova. This is a terrific poster - especially the wonderful rendering of de Cordoba, not a very well known actor. He looks properly dashing.


  1. It is a great poster. I find it interesting that the edges look sort of digitally deckled, a framing technique now very popular as a computer filter. I also like that the title is slightly obscured — it's more realistic and no less readable.

  2. There is something very familiar about Arturo -- does he remind you of a contemporary actor, Yvette? He's very handsome!

  3. I thought that was Greer Garson for a moment. Great poster. When I was younger I had memorized Fontaine's filmography :)

  4. I like edging too, though I'm not sure what you mean re: computer filter and such. Never mind, my mind can only take so much comuter-ese. :)

    I liked the look of this immediately, but I must admit that de Cordoba caught my eye while I was doing some research on pirate movies.

  5. Pat: Not sure if he reminds me of anyone but yes, I agree, he sure is handsome. He was born in Mexico and his career was mainly in Spanish speaking films, though in the 40's he made several Hollywood movies.

    I see I misspelled his last name. Sorry about that. Since corrected.

    Actually, he looks a tiny bit like the very young Louis Calhern. Maybe. But I'm sure that's now who you mean. :)

  6. iluvcinema: It doesn't look very much like Joan Fontaine - does it?
    Looks a bit lik Rita Hayworth.

    I always liked Joan Fontaine over her sister. I wonder what their lifelong feud was about. I can't help thinking it had something to do with Errol Flynn??

    Anyone know?

  7. For some reason I always think Joan Fontaine has a far away look in her eyes, this poster doesn't change that for me. It is gorgous though and I love the use of vivid colors.

  8. Ryan: Doesn't look much like Joan, really. But it's still a great poster. Wonderfully designed and executed. I wonder who the artist was...


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