
Friday, March 30, 2012

Foreign Film Poster Friday

The Italian poster of a 1947 film which had a very short title in English: T-MEN. I like the Italian version better. This is such a fabulous poster, even if the film it advertises and the actors in it, has fled from our collective memories.


  1. Me too, Natalie! Great poster.

  2. Hi, Yvette - I think this poster works well despite the fact that the artist was commissioned to paint three posters in one! Generally, I don't like graphics that are montages, and when clients requested them from me I always cringed. Having said all that, the artist of this piece did a masterful job of unifying all the elements, while still keeping the focus centered on the hero. Yes, it's a great poster!

  3. I wish I knew who the artist was. I think this is one of the best posters I've seen. Everything about it works for me.

    Even if it is a montage sort of thing.

    A great poster for a forgotten movie.

  4. T-Men hasn't entirely fled from our memories! It was one of noir great Anthony Mann's first hits, and a great example of John Alton's pitch perfect cinematography. They still use it in film courses sometimes, and it popped up in that Visions of Light documentary.

  5. Well, sure, if you put it that way, John. :)

    But I'd forgotten it anyway.


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