
Monday, January 23, 2012

Window Shopping

How wonderful is this Emma Bridgewater cup? Very wonderful, I'm thinking.

I've loved the British potter Emma Bridgewater's work, since I first beheld it years ago in the pages of Victoria Magazine. Could never afford any actual Bridgewater pieces but over the years I've bought an imitation or  two. I'm a sucker for kitchenware with writing on it - though Emma does many other designs as well and all are handmade in England.

I first saw this particular mug on Susan Branch's cozy blog where she actually has a shopping page (which I didn't know about until recently). If you'd like to see more Emma Bridgwater patterns and find out about Bridgewater Potters, here's your chance. Link.

Emma Bridgewater pottery can easily be found online at various sites.


  1. I love her little heart design too. But my faves are these worded pieces. Just love them. :)

  2. Oh, to have those! Very cool.

  3. I've always admired Emma Bridgewater china, myself, Yvette, but I've also never bought any because of the high price tag. Susan Branch's line with Lenox china was equally adorable but sadly it isn't available any longer. I'm always looking for it at Goodwill and flea markets

  4. Emma Bridgewater is a favourite of mine.
    On my blog I wrote a post about her sister, who owns and runs a circus, and her other sister is a top journalist. They are 3 talented and individual girls.

  5. Oh those are so cool. Need to add to my collection :)

  6. Pat: I've bought a few 'imitations' of this lettered style at Home Goods over the years. They're a good source (as you know) for all sorts of unexpected treats.

    I'm not familiar with Susan Branch's Lennox line. But her sketches for some proposed Wedgewood products really caught my attention on her blog.

  7. Rosemary: I didn't know that about her family. I must look into it. They surely sound as if they are unusually talented.

  8. iluvcinema: Know what you mean. I wish I could afford them. But in the meantime I'll enjoy looking at them.


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