
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Vintage Mysteries Reading Challenge 2012

I posted about Bev's fabulous challenge a few weeks ago, but now it's Official. I'm doing what Ryan very smartly did at his blog, I'm copying the rules and featuring them here. (Plus I did up my own Challenge pix. Couldn't resist.)

Bev's blog, MY READER'S BLOCK is the home base for this year's Vintage Mystery Reading Challenge 2012.

I participated last year and won a terrific Dorothy Sayers book. I'm hoping to win a prize this year as well. Bev is a very generous lady. I hope you'll be joining us in this fun challenge. Use the link to go ahead and sign up.

So here are the rules in Bev's own words:

Once again, I will be sponsoring the Vintage Mystery Reading Challenge--but with a bit of a twist. I wanted to mix things up a bit to keep it interesting for all of you who have joined me in Vintage fun for 2011. This year it's all about Vintage Themes. In order to participate, you will need to choose at least one Vintage Theme listed below (minimum 8 book commitment). Here are the general rules:

*All books must have been written before 1960 and be from the mystery category (crime fiction, detective fiction, espionage, etc.). Please remember that some of our Vintage authors wrote well after 1959--so keep an eye on the original publish date.
*You are welcome to count these books towards any other challenges as well.

*Challenge runs from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012. Sign up any time between now and November 30, 2012.
If you have a blog, please post about the challenge and your theme commitment. Then sign up via the linky below. And please make the url link to your Challenge post and not your home page.
*I would love to see reviews of your challenge books, but it is not necessary to participate. If you do not have a blog, post to the comments what your challenge commitment will be and then post again at the progress site (see below) when you have completed your challenge (include a list of books read).

*No matter what theme you choose, please read from at least two different vintage authors.

*Everyone who completes their declared theme/s will be entered for a prize drawing at the end of the year. Anyone who completes two or more themes (16 or more books) will automatically receive their choice from a prize list.

*On January 1st, I will post a site where you can link up your reviews/progress.

Vintage Themes:

1. Colorful Crime: 8 books with colors in the title

2. Murder by the Numbers: 8 books with a number in the title
3. Occupational Hazards: 8 books with a "detective" who is not a P.I.; Police Officer; Official Investigator (Nurse Keate, Father Brown, Miss Marple, etc.)
4. Perilous Policemen: 8 books with a policeman as the primary investigator
5. Lethal Locations: 8 books that are all about place (for instance: country houses, hospitals, schools or even particular cities/countries)
6. Dangerous Beasts: 8 books with an animal in the title (The Bat; The Canary Murder Case; etc.)
7. Deadly Decades: 8 books, one from each time period plus one of your choice (Pre-1900s; 1900-09; 1910-19; 1920-1929; 1930-1939; 1940-1949; 1950-59)
8. Golden Age Girls: 8 books by female authors OR 8 books with female detectives
9. Cherchez le Homme: 8 books by male authors OR 8 books with male detectives
10. Murderous Miscellany: Choose your own theme. Get creative--surprise us! The only stipulation is that the theme cannot be reading books by a single author.


I've decided to go with Numbers 5, 8 and 9:

Lethal Locations - 8 Books Set in England

Golden Age Girls - 8 Books by Women Writers

Cherchez L'Homme - 8 Books by Men Writers

But unlike the oh so organized Bev, I don't know what books I'll be reading yet except for these seven which I've managed to line up:

DEAD MAN'S WATCH by G.D.H. and Margaret Cole - 1931 (A book sent to me as a nifty surprise by John Norris of Pretty Sinister Books, another generous blogger and friend.)

BODIES IN THE BOOKSHOP by R.T. Campbell - 1946

THE BENEVENT TREASURE by Patricia Wentworth - 1953 (Thanks Picky Girl for reminding me of the Miss Silver books!)

HAG'S NOOK by John Dickson Carr - 1933


THE MOONSTONE by Wilkie Collins - 1868

DEATH IN KASHMIR by M.M. Kaye - 1953

I'll add more as we go along and I get my hands on them.

So, why don't you join in? If you've never read any Vintage Mysteries then this is definitely the time to start. But if you're an old Vintage hand like some of us, then what are you waiting for?


  1. If only I hadn´t made up my mind not to join any challenges this year...

    But I was not surprised to learn you had made your own challenge button. So pretty, and just your style :)

  2. Thanks, Dorte. I hope Bev doesn't mind. :)

  3. The button is very nice. Death in Kashmir is a fantastic book. My favourite read of last year. ATB for the challenge. I am participating too. I won a copy of A Coffin for Dimitrios. Bev, I agree, is very generous.

  4. Ladies...I'm blushing. thanks for the kind words...I just love sharing those vintage mysteries.

    And Yvette, I love the button you did! Maybe I should ask you to do the one for next year for me.... :-)

  5. Yvette,
    Can you please tell me where to find on the Internet that great website with vintage movies and actors?

  6. Thanks, Neer. I loved A COFFIN FOR DIMITRIOS. It was one of my faves from last year.

    DEATH IN KASHMIR should be arriving soon - found a used copy online. I love M.M. Kaye's books. I plan on reading her autobiography (which is in three volumes) this year. I understand it's fabulous!

  7. You deserve every compliment, Bev. :)

    I'd be happy to do a button for you next year (or anytime, really) if you like.

  8. Kathy: Oh dear, I'm afraid you'll have to give me more info than that. I know MANY great movie websites...

  9. I can't wait to see what else you end up reading. And I can't wait to read your review of The Moonstone.

    I signed up for 4 challenges, three Bev did and one I made up. I'm doing a short story challenge, I just hope I can find enough books.

    I've already read two Mary Roberts Rinehart books (one a short story collection) and am on my third now. I just need to get reviews done of them.

    Good Luck!

  10. Such a fun idea! If I can get my rear in gear and get organized, I should definitely give this a try. Looks like a great way to get more mysteries into my reading rotation!

  11. There is a website which you have cited which posts on specific vintage movies and has a list of actors running down the left side.

    Do you know this?

    I can't wait for you to review The Moonstone. That'll be as fun as The Woman in White, I'm sure.

    I must try M.M. Kay and M.R.Reinhart this year. I'll try for a few vintage books, but my classic heart belongs to the brownstone in the West 30s with the orchids and gourmet cooking.
    And I must restock on these.

  12. Lauren: Definitely give it a try. Vintage Mysteries are the best!

  13. Hmmmmm....Maybe you mean But that's about ALL movies, not just vintage. Check it and see if that's what you mean.

    You have to put in a specific movie title in the search box.

  14. Karen: Oh I'll be visiting Wolfe and the gang during the year. That's a given. :)

  15. Boy is this one right up your alley!


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