
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Just Arrived! ANATOMY OF MURDER by Imogen Robertson

In today's mail: The second book in Imogen Robertson's most excellent new series begun with INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS - a novel I rightly raved about. Run, don't walk, to get your hands on a copy.


From the back cover of ANATOMY OF MURDER:

"A labyrinthine mystery in the heart of teeming London, involving fashionable castrati, espionage and bodies in the Thames...The city is evoked with a Dickensian exuberance."

The Independent.

I cannot wait to head back to 18th century England and the justice seeking duo, Mrs. Martha Westerman and her friend, the reclusive anatomist, Gabriel Crowther.

"Imagine a mix of Jane Austen with Charles Dickens, a dash of Inspector Morse, a pinch of John le Carre and a helping of Patricia Cornwell or Kathy Reichs and you might have a vague idea. They are multi-layered, intriguing, oozing with atmosphere and historical detail - naval warfare, actors, singers, musicians, anatomy, stately homes, aristocratic dress and the crowded, stinking London slums - and yet wear their research very lightly."

Northern Echo


  1. Enjoy, enjoy. I must say these books look enticing.

    I just got Paula Marantz Cohen's book about Jack the Ripper, Alice, Henry and Will James. Should be fun.

  2. Well you know I loved that Marantz Cohen's book, Kathy. Let me know if you liked it. :)

  3. I will let you know.

    And I'm reading the third book about Norfolk archaelogy professor, Ruth Galloway, on England's Eastern Coast, this time about a 70-year-old crime. She is a great character, so independent and feisty, not glamorous or thin, a regular person.

  4. Okay. You know, Kathy, I picked up the first book in that series (Ruth Galloway) and just have lots of trouble with the present tense.
    So I gave up.

    I'm not a present tense kind of gal.

  5. Oh, gosh, that's too bad.

    I think this book starring Ruth Galloway by Ellie Griffiths is the best one so far -- House at Sea's End.

  6. It's my own particular quirk. Sorry about that, Kathy.

  7. Aaagh! Can't believe you gave up on Ruth!!!!

    But this one: I want it. I need it.

  8. I'm sorry, Jenn. But at least I took a look, brought the book home with me from the library and read a few pages.

    I was so disappointed that the author chooses to write her stories in this style. I really have problems with present tense.
    Nearly insurmountable problems.

    At any rate, have you read INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS yet? That's the first book in this series that I raved abour recently.

    Just wonderin'

    Yeah, you sort of have to have this book. :)

  9. As soon as I catch up on my library pile and make a dent in my global and Australian women writers' challenges, I'll try Imogen Robertson's books.

    I must say that House at Sea's End about Ruth Galloway is even better than the first two books. However, I can understand the problem with present tense. I didn't even notice it.

    However, sometimes I don't like books in the first person and I do not like anything with the second person experimental style.

  10. Kathy: We each have our preferences and of course, that's okay. I love first person and will always favor that style over others.

    Now, the Robertson books are told in the regular third person and that's fine too. They are fabulous books and I'm hoping the second book lives up to the first.


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