
Monday, January 2, 2012

How Wonderfully Cool Is This?

Or maybe I should say, Wonderfully Warm. Can you imagine? How about this luscious scarf printed with a section from PRIDE AND PREJUDICE? It's available - or will be as soon as the supplier in Oregon, makes up a  new batch - on etsy. It's the latest thing in literary chic. Love it.

Thanks to Book Riot's Book Fetish for bringing this to my attention.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that every winter, a particular miss will be wanting a particular woolen wrap to keep out the bitter cold of the season.


  1. Wow. Yes. I wonder if I could get Santa to make another trip here.... The only thing that would be better would be one made from a Vintage Mystery.

  2. This would certainly make a wonderful gift or treat for oneself!

  3. I'll bet you could talk the designer into making one. Wouldn't it be great to have one with Hercule Poirot solving a crime or Jane Marple or, for that matter, any favorite mystery. Hmmm.....!

  4. You bet, Pat. Along the lines of: what will they think of next?

    Very creative notion.

  5. Must have! Now it seems even harder to have a no spend year. Rats.

  6. I've seen one of these done in your own handwriting, which I LOVED. This is just fantastic. I think it's beautiful.

  7. How awesome is this?! I would probably find myself constantly reading it if I had lines to wait in... or distracting myself from what I should be doing.

  8. BookBelle: Try to control yourself. :) I know what you mean. This seems like something a reader should have in their wardrobe.

  9. Picky: It is definitely beautiful and SO unique. I mean, who would have thought? The designer prints them all by hand.

  10. Kate: It's incredible what a creative designer will come up with. I mean, in a million years it never would have occurred to me. But then I don't know how to print onto fabric...

  11. LOVE!!! Thanks for sharing--I hadn't seen seen before.

  12. You're welcome, Lauren. I just happened upon it in my wandering. :)

  13. OMG - I MUST have this! Thanks for letting us know about it!

  14. I think it's fabulous too. Pass it on, Lisa. I'm sure every Austen fan would want one.

    It would also be great if she'd do other authora, i.e. Agatha Christie. :)


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