
Saturday, December 24, 2011

A Good Morning Christmas Picture

Angel Playing A Flageolet by English Pre-Raphaelite painter, Edward Byrne-Jones.

Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas and the artful joys of the season.


  1. Merry Christmas to you and your family. One of my favorite internet finds this year has been your thoughtful, colorful, bright, interesting blog--looking forward to reading more of it in 2012!

  2. Love the pre-Raphaelites! Have a very merry Christmas!

  3. Beautiful, Yvette. I love the representation of angels by the old masters...when I see those, I wish I had the gift to paint. Merry Christmas!

  4. Thank you, Deb, you've made my day. :) Merry Christmas to you and your family as well. It's a gorgeous day here in NJ, I hope it's just as beautiful by you. :)

  5. Me too, Lauren! Some people say they're too soupy, but I love 'em anyway. :)

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  6. Thanks, Becky. Don't we all wish we could paint this way...Especially around the holidays, I think. :)

    Merry Christmas to you and your family on this fine NJ day.

  7. I enjoy your blog, and Happy Christmas, Yvette. I loved the Santa and reindeer picture. Now that is how those reindeers should look like.

  8. Merry Christmas, Yvette...every visit to your blog brings a gift my way!

  9. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  10. Yvette,

    Thank you so much for your delightful blogwork. Wishing you the holiday season of your dreams.


  11. A very Merry Christmas to you and your family, Yvette! I look foreward to another new year of enjoying your blog!

  12. Wishing you a merry x'mas Yvette. Have a wonderful day.

  13. MERRY CHRISTMAS, Yvette.

    All my best wishes for festive and peaceful Holidays
    and a very healthy and Happy NEW YEAR!
    Hopefully with 'many words' for books, films, paintings and...and...
    Your posts are always so interesting and - simply good!

    Warmest greetings,

  14. Yvette, all of us here at Team Bartilucci H.Q. hope you and yours are having a truly Merry Christmas! I'm happy to have gotten to know you, and I look forward to more fun, friendship, beautiful pictures, and witty blogs from you in 2012!

  15. Eve: Thank you, m'dear! I hope you had a grand Christmas.

  16. Mystica: Thank you. I wish the same for you and your family. :)

  17. Marilyn: You're more than welcome, m'dear and thank you. I hope your Christmas was just as special.

    My granddaughter, especially, made it a 'dream come true' Christmas. :)

  18. Thanks, Pat! I'm looking forward to reading your blog and 'joiniing you' on your travels. Where will Pat wind up next???

    Grandchildren are the best at Christmas - aren't they? We had a lovely time.

  19. Neer: Thank you and I hope you had a great Holiday weekend as well. :)

  20. Karin: All this praise is going to my head! I love it! Thank you. I look forward to working on my blog for the New Year - Who knew blogging was this much fun AND that I'd get to 'meet' so many nice people around the world. It's an adventure, for sure.

    Looking forward to what everyone else will be blogging about in 2012as well. It's going to be a great year!

  21. Ryan and Cathy: Thank you. I did make Merry yesterday - it was a wonderful Christmas. I hope yours was as well.

  22. Dorian: Thank you! It's been so much fun getting to know you and your blog as well. Team Bartilucci rules!

    What will we all be up to in 2012? The mind boggles. Ha!

  23. Dave: Yes, I agree. I love this interpretation of Santa and his sled, not to mention, those wonderful reindeer.

    Thanks for the good wishes, Dave.


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