
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

There is something about a Martini,
A tingle remarkably pleasant;
A yellow, a mellow Martini;
I wish that I had one at present.

There is something about a Martini,
Ere the dancing and dining begin,
And to tell you the truth,
It is not the vermouth -
I think that perhaps it's the gin.

A Drink With Something In It - Ogden Nash

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Still Life with Flowers by Auguste Renoir


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you!

    Lovely painting, and a fine Martini poem :)

  2. Is this your cocktail of choice, Yvette? :<) Ah, Ogden Nash. I should spend more time reading him.

  3. Thanks, Dorte! You can't go wrong with either a martini or Renoir. :)

  4. Nan: Yes, I confess I'm an Apple Martini kind of gal. :)

  5. Excellent! It is indeed the gin. As Nash also wrote: "Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker."

    clink, clink!

    Happy Thanksgiving, Yvette. I'm hoping for a squabble free day tomorrow with my family. Wishing you the same. ;^)

  6. John: Here's to a squabble-free Thanksgiving Day. :)


  7. I'll take mine made with Absolut voda, straight up with an olive (or two!) :)

    Wishing you and your family a beautiful and joyful Thanksgiving!

  8. Yvette, May God bless Your Thanksgiving table.
    Cute! The painting is georgeous
    wish it was mine

  9. Have a blessed Thanksgiving! Cheers!

  10. Happy Thanksgiving, Yvette, to you and your family! I would like to share a very meaningful Thanksgiving quote: "If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, 'thank you,' that would suffice" — German mystic Meister Eckhart

  11. Have a lovely day with your family and Rocky.

    And Ogden Nash is a riot. I must also read more of his writings.

    Yes, I like appletinis as a friend calls them. I rarely drink, but I have made exceptions for these upon occasion.

  12. Thanks, Pat. The same back at you on this beautiful sunny day. (At least here in NJ it's sunny.)

    Absolut coming right up! :)

  13. Thanks, Yvonne. You're a peach. A Renoir painting is good for any occasion. :)

    Have a great Thanksgiving day.

  14. Thanks, Joanne. Cheers to you as well. Apple Martini anyone? :)

  15. Prashant: I love that quote! Thanks for sharing it on this special day.

  16. Thanks, Kathy. Rocky promises to be on his best behavior. :)

    Who wouldn't love an Apple-tini?!

  17. Yvette,

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    May you be successful in your search for the perfect martini.

    On a cold day though, I go for something a bit heavier, such as a good solid stout.

  18. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  19. It's the day after Thanksgiving, but I'm still full from yesterday's feast! I hope you had a great day! Mark

  20. Fred: Thanks!! No martinis yesterday, but I did enjoy a heavenly Sauvignon Blanc. My favorite white wine. :)

    Hope you had a great day as well!

  21. Ryan: I did. Hope you had a great one as well. :) We had a perfect sunny day for a change.

  22. Mark: Had a wonderful day with family. Sunny day, too. Best part: my granddaughter, whose laughter makes any day sunny. :)

  23. Belated T-day wishes, Yvette...anything for Friday?


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