
Monday, November 28, 2011

Cyber Daze

Another shopping frenzy day - this time from the comfort of your computer.

(Though I admit I do miss my adventures at the mall. Ah, the good old days of staggering back to the car under the weight of six or seven shopping bags full of goodies.)

Or if you'd rather not shop, but are still in a cyber sort of mood - how about a movie or two in which computers play a significant part?

...or, of course, there's always:


  1. How about THE NET (Sandra Bullock) and DIE HARD 4.0 (Bruce Willis)?

  2. 2001 A Space Odessey was one of the favorite movies of my teenage years. I believe I went to the movie theater to see it 6 times!

  3. Prashant: I hadn't seen those. But thanks for adding to the list. :)

  4. Pat: Ah, the good old days when you go go see a movie six times and not pay a month's salary. Ha!


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