
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Saturday Salon: A Favorite Painting or Two or....Three! Memories of Summer.

Frederick Carl Frieske (1874 - 1939) was an American Impressionist painter from Owosso, Michigan. Though born in the USA, he lived a great deal of his life in France, most especially in the village of Giverney, where Claude Monet had settled earlier. Frieske also lived in Normandy in later years. His work was exhibited both in France and in the United States.

Frieske studied first at the Chicago Art Institute, then in NYC at the Art Students League. He'd begun as an illustrator but then turned to painting and left for France to deepen his art studies.  He was influenced by Monet and James McNeill Whistler among other painters of the time. To read more about Frederick Carl Frieske, please use this link.

I am very fond of Frieske's use of color and pattern,  the seeming soft, slightly out of focus technique. There's something so luxurious about his work. It is, to my mind, quietly joyous.

...finally, Autumn and Fall leaves.


  1. Yvette, I'll admit I'm no art expert, but I know what I like, and I loved these beautiful Frieske paintings! Coincidentally, the blooming flora outside my window is quite inspirational as I write this. Thanks for sharing these!

  2. You've introduced me to yet another artist! Frieske's work is both joyous and serene — I especially like that last image.

  3. I've always loved the Impressionists, primarily French, and didn't know of Frieske 'til now (wonderful use of color!) - Thanks for the introduction, Yvette.

  4. Very joyous, and these posts of yours are absolutely luxurious :)

    They are all good, but the first and the fourth from above are gorgeous.

  5. At first I thought I was looking at one of the French Impressionist's work which I was not familiar with. Frieske's work is new to me too, thanks for the introduction. His paintings have a soft dreamlike quality to them.

  6. Dorian: You're very welcome, I'm glad you enjoyed these. They are pretty wonderful.

  7. Mark: He's new to me too. I only discovered him recently. There are SO MANY little known artists here and in Europe. It's fun but also incredible luck to find them. :)

  8. The Lady Eve: You're welcome. The American Impressionists, to me, are just as good as the French. I've enjoyed researching them and sharing what I find.

  9. Dorte: The first one is my favorite, I admit. It is spectacular.

  10. Rosemary: Yes, they are dreamy, no question. Dream-worthy too. :)

  11. Absolutely gorgeous. I had never heard of this artist before. I'll be researching him now.
    The Beauty of Eclecticism

  12. Beautiful, just beautiful. What more can be said? The colors are wonderful.

  13. JNCL: It seems like a lot of us never heard of Frieske before. I'm happy we were all able to enjoy his work on my blog. I'd seen his work here and there, but never really stopped to take a good look. Now that I have, I'm smitten.

  14. Kathy: Absolutely gorgeous work. No question about it. I wouldn't mind having a print of any one of these hanging in my house. But especially the first one. I just love it. And the second and the third and...

  15. Yvette,
    These are exquisite. Thank you.


  16. Yvette, I love Saturday Salon. I wonder how hard it is to find this artist's work in prints? I would have #5, if I remember right, the one with the lady at the table in the shade of the giant umbrella. It's my favorite way to celebrate summer, in the shade, out of blazing sun but looking at the beauty of summer from the shade's protection. It's absolutely gorgeous. Thank you for these weekly posts of such beauty.

  17. I like no. 1 also; it is special.
    And I like the woman in the boat, something is intriguing about those.

    And the bottom one with those greens!

    Saturday Salon is great. I now look forward to looking for the art that will be coming up.

    It's art education day! Rah! Rah!

  18. Oops--I like the second to last one with the greens, but I also like the last one -- lovely.

  19. mjoy: I'm so glad you're still out there reading my blog. :)

    Yes, I love Fieske's work. You're most welcome.

  20. Becky: Again, you're welcome. I enjoy posting Saturday Salon just about as much as you enjoy looking at it. I really do.

    I don't see why you couldn't find a print of Frieske's work. If you check online you should have no trouble.

  21. Kathy: I'm trying to post a wide variety of art, not just always the same old/same old.

    Who knows what next week will bring. :)

  22. That's part of the fun and enjoyment here, always coming to the blog on Saturday, never knowing what will be posted, but anticipating that beautiful art work will be displayed.

  23. I love the way the scenery almost gobbles up the subject.

    The third and seventh are my favorites.

  24. Kathy: Thanks. Saturday Salon has become something of a tradition. I hope I'll be able to keep it up indefinitely. :)

  25. Ryan: Yes, I think his technique is a bit different from the other Impressionists of the time. After studying Frieske's work for only a short time, I could easily pick it out from the others.

    I love your choices, but I love all the paintings.


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