
Monday, October 31, 2011

Because it's Halloween...

Some scary Vintage covers caught my eye...

Happy Halloween!


  1. Yvette,

    That is one fabulous jack o'lantern.

    That grin will haunt me for days.

  2. Fred: Isn't he wonderful? I tried to find a photo credit but it was not to be. But I love this pumpkin!

    It is a great grin! ;)

  3. You know me and my vintage cover mania, Lucy.

    Any excuse will do. :)

  4. Love the covers! Hope you have a wonderful Halloween night!

  5. Nice set of covers. I especially like the Footprints design.

  6. That's one nasty lookin' pumpkin, all right! The covers are wonderful. Are they all books? Enjoy your Hallowe'en night!!

  7. Great!

    And that pumpkin looks like the Cheshire cat - just more visible, if that makes sense. Please don´t leave it on my doorstep.

  8. You too, Ryan! Just found out that my town is discouraging trick or treating tonight because of possible hazards due to snow blockages and downed wires and branches. So, we'll have to see how it goes.

    I have a feeling they'll be out tonight anyway. :)

  9. LJR: Yes, that's a good one. I just love vintage covers. There's just something about them that is strangely alluring. :)

  10. Prashant: Not sure what kind of a festive night it will be. Just learned that the town is discouraging trick or treaters tonight.

    Can't blame them. No point taking chances for a bag full of candies.

    But we'll still get some, I'm sure.

  11. Natalie: Isn't he just?? Love him.

    That evil smile just makes me laugh.

  12. Dorte: It looks like it weighs a ton. This guy is stationary, for sure. :)

    The Cheshire Pumpkin!

  13. Yvette,

    After a second look, I realize that it's not only the grin, but those evil pointy eyes that add to its charm.

    The carver has a very vivid, if not demonic, imagination.

  14. Prashant: I meant to add that yes, these are all books except for the top two Ghost covers. Those are magazines. :)

  15. Fred: Yes, it is a very evil looking grin, eyes and all. But not without it's inherent charm. HA!

  16. The Black Hawthorn is my favorite cover — a bold design and elegant lettering (I wish I knew that typeface). And the pumpkin! Oooo! Using the stem for a nose is brilliant!

  17. I still have an unread Lockridge book somewhere.

  18. They are all wonderful cover art, Yvette! I've always liked skeleton images. It was my favorite Halloween costume when I was young.

    Happy Halloween!

  19. Yvette, I loved your round-up of scary vintage book covers, with their elegant yet sinister air! And that pumpkin was truly menacing-looking! Great pictures, my friend!

  20. Mark: I think of all the menacing pumpkins I've seen, this is my favorite. :)

    I love that cover as well because of the oriental looking bottle the skeleton is holding. Notice the wax seal.

    Can't help you with the type face, Mark. But it's a good one.

  21. Pattinase: I'm finding that the Mr. and Mrs. North books don't hold up as well as other mysteries of the time.

    But I'm currently reading a Captain Heimrich mystery by the Lockridges and liking that very much.

  22. Pat: I used to have a cardboard skeleton hanging on the inside of my closet door.

    My 'skeleton in the closet' - get it? Ha!

    I'm fond of skeletons too.

  23. Thanks, Dorian! Glad you dropped by to look at my spooky pictures. :)

  24. Happy Belated Halloween, Yvette! Were you out shovelling the sidewalk? For the first time in several years Chicago didn't get one flake of snow in October. I don't envy you with that crazy too early winter weather out there.

    I have three of those books shown and one has the marvelous DJ (Black Hawthorn). Never heard of Peter Baron, but knowing what I do of Macaulay (the publisher) I'm sure the MURDER IN WAX is probably a lurid, badly written book with a sensationlized plot. I'm adding it to a list of books I'd like to own for precisely for those reasons. HA!

  25. Well, the snow arrived over the weekend. SNOWED ALL DAY SATURDAY. But, luckily, it isn't cold enough to maintain it. So now we have lots of drifts melting in the sun and most of the snow is gone from the sidewalks and roads.

    BUT - downed power lines and trees are a problem. As usual. I didn't lose my power thank goodness. Just my internet connection for about 12

    You lucky thing you to have those books. I LOVE that Black Hawthorn cover.

    Oh, for sure, if it's lurid and sensationalized, John is there. :)

  26. These covers are really something. A few are frightening, and I'm basically a scaredy-cat, although I'm trying to change that.

    Lots of these covers are striking, and I do like the yellow cat, although it's a bit subdued compared to others.

    But these vintage covers are always fun. And I say that designers today could learn a few things about catchy book covers. These are more fun than a design of a fancy font with black ink on a solid color stock.

  27. Kathy: I think they're fun, too. Scary fun. DEFINITELY not like today's mostly glum covers. :)


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