
Friday, September 2, 2011

My Life In Books

Illustration by Kestutis Kasparavicius

Over at The Picky Girl blog, Jenn has posted a clever meme in which we complete a series of sentences (supplied by Pop Culture Nerd) with book titles from the books we've read this year. It looked like so much fun I thought I'd give in a try. (Since 2011 isn't finished yet, I'm using my list from 2010 as well.)

One time at band/summer camp, I (ate) A RED HERRING WITHOUT MUSTARD (Alan Bradley)

Weekends at my house are A COMEDY OF TERRORS (Michael Innes)

My neighbor is ENSLAVED BY DUCKS (Bob Tarte)

My ex was (a) RUDE AWAKENING (Susan Rogers Cooper)

My superhero secret identity is CAT OF MANY TAILS (Ellery Queen)

You wouldn't like me when I'm angry, because (I) SHOOT TO THRILL (P.J. Tracy)

I'd win the gold medal in DETECTION UNLIMITED (Georgette Heyer)

I'd pay good money for THE INN AT LAKE DEVINE (Eleanor Lipman)

If I were President I would (be)  GUARDIAN OF THE HORIZON (Elizabeth Peters)

When I don't have good books, I ask AN UNCOMMON READER (Alan Bennett)

Loud talkers at the movies should be GRAVE GOODS (Ariana Franklin)

Okay, your turn.


  1. Fantastic! The first is just too good. I love this meme and think it's such a clever way to get further use out of those titles. :)

  2. Yvette: Well done. I also enjoyed participating in the meme.

  3. Very good answers here, and I actually have read some of these books.

    Didn't know you read Elinor Lippman's books; I love her writing. Have read about five of her books. One of them resembled my crazed childhood and the dialogues and thoughts I had.

    And I like that painting and the artist's works displayed on the linked page. Very creative.

  4. Some great titles, have a wonderf
    weekend. sending little rocky a hug.


  5. picky: Well, it's thanks to you that I first saw this. :) I'd love to invent my own questions. Maybe for next year...

  6. Bill: Thanks.

    I will definitely be over to check your answers!

  7. kathy: Isn't he a wonderful artist? I adore his work. Can't prounce his name though. :)

  8. neer: Me too! :)

    Yvonne: Thanks so much! You too. :)

  9. Fun, Fun, Fun!!!

    Here's mine:

  10. Belle: I love this sort of thing. :)


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