
Thursday, September 8, 2011


I've just won my third Give-A-Way of the year!!! Thanks to Bev at her wonderful book blog, MY READER'S BLOCK,  and her generosity - I've just won my first Gift Card ever!!

This is very cool if I do say so myself. Ha!


  1. Thanks, neer! I am definitely smiling.

  2. Love your celebratory picture, Yvette! Congrats again!

  3. Do you have any information on the illustration in this post? It's great!

  4. Congratulations!

    This means a new book or a few slightly used ones. Whatever, more books are coming your way so your faithful bloggers will see more good reviews.

    And I just found another blog I must read! Oh, for a 36-hour day!

    And I like the strutting dogs.

  5. Barbara: No, I wish I did. I picked it up on google sometime last year and there was no info. At least that I can remember.

    It is a wonderful illustration, I agree.

  6. Congrats on the win!

    Third win of the year. WOW! I on the other hand have rarely ever won anything. The last time I won they couldn't ship the book to where I live because it's so far away. The book in question was The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. That really made me sad. The only time a machine picks me and I don't get the book. :-(

  7. wutheringwillow: Thanks! I'm one of those people who NEVER wins anything. Believe me, I am flabbergasted! But in a good way. :)

  8. Did you paint this painting of strutting dogs accompanying a strutting person?

    I was just scrolling through and this cheered me right up.

  9. Oh how I wish I had. I love this painting. Can't find an artist's credit though I've looked.


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