
Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Labor Day!

Painting by Dean Cornwell

First Monday in September, the traditional end of summer holiday meant to celebrate the achievements of the American working man and woman. A day usually dedicated to one last trip to the beach (weather permitting), backyard barbecues or shopping labor day sales.

Painting by J.C. Leyendecker

Wherever, however you'll be spending it, have a good one.

South Beach Bathers - Painting by John French Sloan


  1. A great selection of images — the Dean Cornwell painting looks as though it might have been a mural.

  2. Happy Labor Day, Yvette! Hope you are enjoying the day.

  3. Yes it does, Mark. I'm not sure, but I think very probably. I've just discovered the work of Cornwell. He was definitely a muralist. He died in 1960, so he was working at aprox. the same time as many other more familiar illustration greats.

  4. Ryan: Yes, I am. Thank you. Hope you did as well. :) Hope your weather was better, too. We've had nothing but gloom and rain all day.

  5. Amazing paintings including the ones by Camille Pissarro in the previous post. One can dabble in art even if one is not an artist. I don't think you can say the same about writing or music. Either you have it or you don't. I don't know...

  6. Prashant: Well, you can also write, keep a journal. Doesn't matter whether you have talent for it or not. You can keep the writings for yourself. That's one way.

    Of course anyone can pick up a pencil or pen or paintbrush and express themselves that way. If you feel good about the results then that's all that matters.

    I agree with you on music, I think.
    Though anyone can pick up a drum. :)

    It's not so much the results that matter as how you go about it.


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