
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Vintage Movie Poster Love

These vintage (and melodramatic) movie posters are absolutely delightful for three reasons: design, bold graphic art-work, and my own nostalgic affection. I love collecting them in a file on my computer. Of course I'd rather own them in real life - who wouldn't? But these days, who has the dough?

Sharing them with you on my blog is quite good enough.


  1. Very striking artwork here. As one of my nephews would say, "Awesome!" Some of the mystery and horror movie posters look like pulp magazine covers. I especially like the posters for THE INVISIBLE RAY, THE DARK CORNER (I have seen that movie about ten times!), THE MUMMY and CHANDU (a serial I own on DVD but have only seen one half of the episodes).

  2. John: Yes, I love those and the Mata Hari one too. Speaking of THE DARK CORNER - it should be arriving on Friday for me to watch and report next week. :)

    The Meet Nero Wolfe one is intriguing. I can very see Edward Arnold in the part, but I've never seen the film. :(

    Somehow I missed seeing this over the years, but Classic Becky convinced me I needed to watch it toot sweet. Ha! (I am not a Mark Stevens fan, so there is sacrifice involved here.)

  3. Haha, I think they´ve been cheating - Greta Garbo without a coat???? :D

    Posters are interesting; a couple of years ago I tried to teach my students a few things about the different subgenres of crime fiction by showing them a presentation of posters. I particularly remember the femme fatale, always in black or red.

  4. Dorte: Then these posters don't fit the bill. Maybe they are the exceptions to the rule?

    I love Greta Garbo is her slinky bad girl Mata Hari get-up.

  5. Wow, I love these. The "Stagecoach" poster is a stunner.

    I love the melodramatic mood of all of them.

  6. Why doesn't TCM or AMC or another old movie network have a separate old mystery movie channel? Or at least an old mystery movie day or night? I would LOVE to be able to tune in to see all these oldies that I've never seen. That would be heaven!

  7. Jacqueline: Arent't they incredible? I love this stuff. They really do make you want to see the movie.

    And just viewing them as great graphic art works too. :)

  8. Mr. Lonely: Will do. Thanks for stopping by.

  9. Joan: I think TCM often has mystery marathons, but they're usually centered around one actor's work - if I'm not mistaken. You have to check their schedule or read the THRILLING DAYS OF YESTERYEAR blog. Ivan posts the TCM sdhedule, usually once a month.

    You can access his blog from the link on my lower right hand sideboard.

    But it would be great if there were a total vintage mystery channel or even, as in your idea, one day a month when nothing but vintage mysteries are shown.

    Dream big, I always say. :)

  10. These posters are glorious! My brother is a graphic designer/artist and has many vintage posters framed in his office that I LOVE....hate to sound cliche' but they just don't make 'em like they used to! ;)

  11. Joanne: It's not a cliche if it's true. :)

    Or maybe it is a clice BECAUSE it's true. Whatever.

    You're so right.

    You can get pretty good copies though. Unfortunately I've run out of wall space. :)

  12. I like these all, although in terms of sheer impact, the Mata Hari poster has to take the prize. There's a local theater that sells used current movie posters for $6 apiece, and I always enjoy thumbing through the stack. With so many great posters everywhere on the market, there's absolutely no excuse for people not to have good art on their walls!

  13. Mark: I agree completely. Most of the art I have on my walls are museum posters of favorite paintings. I never tire of looking at them.

    And oh how I wish that theater store was near me. :)

  14. Love the posters!

    Too bad that most of Theda Bara's movies are lost. I caught a glimpse of her Cleopatra on Youtube. What costumes she had! It's a pity we'd never get to know what she sounded like as her husband never allowed her to make a 'talkie'.

  15. wutheringwillow: Hmmm, maybe he knew something we didn't need to hear. Remember SINGING IN THE RAIN?

    Or maybe he was a control freak.

    Who knows.

    I love the photos of Theda Bara in her costumes. So improbably glamorous. :)

  16. "Remember SINGING IN THE RAIN?"

    LOL! Oh yes I do! I and my sibling often laugh about that scene where they hear the actress speak for the first time on screen and the general public mock her 'cartoonish' voice.

    Talkies came after Bara had retired from the movies. From what I have read I think that Theda Bara's husband (who himself was involved in showbiz) thought it was 'improper' for a 'wife' to work at all, let alone work in the movies. He was just plain old fashioned.

  17. W.W.: He sounds like a spoilsport. :)

    She must have gone along with it though. Maybe she was already tired of the 'biz'.

  18. These are so much fun.

    As a bona fide scaredy-cat, some of these would frighten me if in my abode, but they are dramatic, that's for sure.

    I like the Fallen Angel one -- those women mean business. And I like Colbert and Gable.

    But they sure are camp! There must be a museum, or an online one with these posters.

  19. I love all of these, Kathy. Especially have a soft spot for THE FALCON IN MEXICO one. :)

  20. The Falcon in Mexico is a very good one. I like The Dark Corner, but it's sending shivers down my spine.

    Movie posters just are not what they used to be!

  21. I think it's the hand lettering in THE FALCON IN MEXICO that calls to me. Plus I have pleasant memories of watching the Falcon movies on tv when I was much younger.

    The good old days. :)


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