
Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.

George Orwell, 1984

(Actually, this occurs to me several times a day. Sometimes as many as six or seven times before breakfast.)


  1. Haha.

    I like Orwell, but I love Alice.

  2. Double-think, hmmm.

    All I can visualize is double-talk, which Sid Caesar did brilliantly. But you don't mean that.

    I have to try to think of an example of double-think.

    Does that mean one can think the earth is round and flat at the same time?

  3. "Does that mean that one can think the earth is round and flat at the same time?"

    Exactly, Kathy. This is pretty much what Orwell meant. At least, as I understand it. :)

  4. Gosh, how does someone do that? It's crazy-making.

    I know a lot of people who can equivocate, can be "in duality," or ambivalent about something, or can argue both sides of a point.

  5. Kathy: I can usually argue both sides of a point. Drives everyone crazy. Ha!

    I think Orwell meant the 'acceptance' of doublethink as being the norm. In other words, not to question anything.


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