
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Much as I love my local library...

I have made a vow for the moment to refrain from darkening its doors. At least for a few weeks. I simply have to catch up with books that are already here, lying fallow and unread - books that belong to me. I feel like I need to find some sort of balance. For the moment I am through feeding an out of control desure to read every book in the world all at the same time (that's how it feels) - playing some sort of catch-up game. It AIN'T working!

The pure fact is that I will never read everything that everyone recommends, much as I would like to. And the second pure fact is that I refuse to feel stressed or even the pressure to do so. I will read what I can and write about whatever book I feel needs writing about.

In an overabundance of zeal, I was just bringing home too many books from the library and often forgetting to return them at the proper time and too often losing track of what I really wanted to read. Many books went back unread. Where's the fun in that?

I know that I can never really organize my reading, I'm just not made that way, but I'm damn well going to stop bringing coals to Newcastle until I put a reading dent in my own home library. Maybe then I'll feel like I'm in control again.

"Books will not rule me!", she said, meaning it at the time.


Note: Illustrations at the top and middle of this post are by the one and only Edward Gorey. To read about Gorey and his work please go here.


  1. I sympathize completely. I have a whole list of books I want to get at the library (some of them are your suggestions)..but I've also got 5 here at home I want to read! Happy reading to both of us!

  2. Becky: Yes, happy reading. That's the point. Ha! We're both in the same boat. It's getting rocky. :)

  3. Hah, that sounds like a book that fits every book blogger out there!

    Also, I sympathize. But it is hard to resist the allure of shiny new books on the shelves of shops and libraries!

  4. Now I no longer work at the library I'm out of temptation's way! I only borrow non-fiction items these days - and I'm slowly picking my way through my TBR pile of fiction! ;-)

  5. My very first trip to the library at age 7, I took out too many, read too few in the time allotted, had to pay a fine. The habits of a lifetime were formed.

  6. Iris: That's why I'm doing my best to resist the temptation by staying away. At least for now. :)

    But I've got three great books I'm woking on now.

  7. Sue: I'm the opposite. I'd rather borrow fiction and try and buy my non-fiction which takes me longer to read usually. Although I do occasionally buy fiction as well. It all depends on the author.

    Glad you're commenting again. I thought maybe you were still traveling.

  8. CaftanWoman: That's been my lifetime habit as well. Ha!

    It's really too bad of us. :)

  9. Boo! Just wrote a very witty comment and it zipped off into the ether! commenting via iPhone is too fiddly - will have to get the laptop fired up tomorrow! Yvette, I've been busy with DIY but trying to keep up with blogs as and when I can ;-)

  10. You do not want to feel owned by your library books (or by the library as the overdue fees escalate). I usually spend a few years with library books and then I buy a whole bunch and spend some time reading from those. I think I am on the verge of going back to the library now - maybe - because your post makes me nervous - as I have lived what you are describing too.

  11. I'd bet every book lover can sympathize - I know I can. There is nothing worse than feeling pressured to read too many books. It takes all the pleasure out of reading.

    Now you just relax for a while and feel virtuous, because before you know it your car will be making an unscheduled stop at the library and the whole thing will start over again.

  12. Reading should only, and always, be fun, fun, fun! I used to volunteer at the library and I always came home with piles of books, and would get maybe one read. :<)

  13. I had the same problem with my library books. It reached a point where I had some many books and was so unable to keep track of what was due when that I was racking up pretty good late fees. Which was just silly--I could have bought several books with what I paid in late fees on books I never got around to reading!

  14. Yvette: I go to the library but walk quickly and only look for what I specifically need and leave. It keeps the book count down but is not as much fun as browsing around the stacks.

  15. So much to read and yes, so little time!! I do need some sleep!!


    Art by Karena

  16. Sue: Just good to know you're still around the old homestead. :)

  17. BookBelle: Yesh, those fees add up. But it's still worth the bargain. It's just that my horde of books had gotten out of control and I felt too much pressure. Wasn't enjoying my reading as much as I ordinarily do.

  18. Carol: I probably won't stay away too long. Once I've read a few of own books from my own shelves, I'll be taking a stroll over to the library - it will be like, oh, how did I get here? Ha!

  19. Nan: It always helps to know I'm not the only one with the problem. :) Libraries can be such an embarrassment of riches.

    Occasionally I just go overboard.

  20. Lisa: Yes, exactly. That was beginning to happen around here. I hate that feeling of not being in control. :)

  21. Bill: My problem is with online reservation of titles that look good or someone has recommended. I place all these titles on reserve because it's just so easy.

    Then I have to face the music. :)

  22. Karena: Yes, occasionally we need a break for sleeping. :) Speaking of which, I was up half the night reading an excellent book I will be talking about in a few days.

    Thanks for dropping by.

  23. When I feel on library overload, I just let the reserves expire on some books, then renew them when I feel a book gap coming. That's so I'm not staring at a huge pile of books at home, worrying about when I'll read them and the fees.

  24. I have all the same problems you do. It's too easy to reserve books on line! I have been trying to read the books in my personal library that I don't plan to keep because I hope to move back to Boston in another year or two and don't relish packing and moving all those boxes again! One of the nice things about book / reading blogs is that we bibliomaniacs don't feel so alone!

  25. Kathy: I occasionally do that. But more than likely the books usually find their way home with me. :)

  26. Joan: Yes, exactly. It's nice to be able to share the angst. Especially booky angst. :)

    I know about moving with books. Yikes! That's when you really find out just how many books are actually living in your house.

  27. I depend on pro movers these back can't match my library.

    What I've had to back away from of late is burdening my friends with extra books...

  28. Todd: I know. Moving boxes and boxes of books is the pits. Bad backs are the price we pay for our love of books. :)

    My problem is I don't like giving books away. Books tend to find a permanent home with me.

    It's a curse. Ha!

  29. Good luck!

    This summer I have actually done it. I haven´t borrowed library books for many months, and with the exception of a handful of ebooks, I have not bought any since May. And I plan to go on in this way until I feel I am in control of my TBR, and not the other way round.

  30. Dorte: You are made of stalwart stuff! Good for you. My problem is that my TBR pile is all helter skelter. I can't seem to organize it so I just do the best I can.

    Right now, I'm reading what's in the house except for three Mary Roberts Rinehart books that I bought second hand recently.

    But that's it!

    For now.

  31. About five years ago, I rearranged my living room bookshelves, having watched a few home design shows. I moved books in different directions and piles, put pottery and baskets among the books, and -- Voila! The shelf unit actually looks good.

    In the process, I took two shopping carts full of books to the library.

    It felt cathartic, like I'd cleaned the whole apartment--not a chance for that.

    So I enjoy looking at the shelves while I'm at the computer. It's restful and attractive.

  32. Sounds good, Kathy. Moving books around and getting things in order always makes me feel virtuous. :)


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