
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Saturday Salon: A Favorite Painting or Two or Three....!

Dorothea Sharp (1874 - 1955) is a recent discovery for me. I don't ever remember seeing her work before a week or so ago on the beautiful blog, COLLAGE OF LIFE. But I knew immediately I wanted to see more.

She was a British artist, but Sharp's style puts me in mind of the American Impressionists.Though there is a fair amount of movement in these paintings, I love her tranquil approach, the use (with rare exceptions) of low-key colors, the gentle nature of her subject matter. There is also grace and a quiet joy here, instantly engaging. Don't these paintings just  make you smile and take a deep, relaxing breath? I can feel my blood pressure drop when I'm in Dorothea Sharp's world.

For whatever reason I can't find much bio (except what I've linked) nor much specific information about her mode of working.

She doesn't even have a Wikipedia page. If I come across any more information in the future, I'll add it to this page. If any of you know of an in-depth link to more about Dorothea Sharp, I'd welcome the info.

Dorothea Sharp


  1. What lovely paintings...and an artist I'd never heard of. Thank you for bringing them to my attention. I agree with your comment that you can feel your blood pressure drop when looking at these paintings--so tranquil and relaxing.

  2. Glad you enjoyed them, Deb. Dorothea Sharp was new to me too. Perfect paintings for July. :)

  3. There's a bit more about her here:

    It's funny... I thought the paintings looked like Cornwall and it turns out they are.

  4. Her work is beautiful! I love all the water images. As you said, Yvette, they are perfect for summer.

  5. Cath: Thanks for the link. I'll check it out.

    Now that you mentin it, it DOES look like Cornwall. Well, the Cornwall of my imagination since I've never been there.

  6. Pat: Aren't they something? Her work is selling at pretty good prices still at auction. It's amazing that she's not better known or at the very least, have her own Wikipedia page.

    But we know about her now and can spread the word. :)

  7. Very beautiful paintings.

    I feel like I am at the seashore, on a virtual vacation.

    Here is another link about her:

    I just did a Google search for her name and several website links popped up.

  8. These pics remind me of old books we had as children - the fourth one with the lady and her umbrella brings back vivid memories of 'treasure' I brought back from a jumble sale!
    Am off to Cornwall next week - bet it won't be as sunny and idyllic as these pictures suggest - will report back later!

  9. Kathy: Thanks. I did the google thing too earlier, but the links do not have comprehensive info - just short bios or bits of info. I was hoping for something more in-depth.

    The link I posted to her bio ia about as in-depth as you're going to find.

  10. Sue: Yes, I had the same thought. Most likely we've seen her work on old posters and books and things. Some of work was used for that sort of thing. :)

    Oh, have a great time, Sue! Cornwall. Wow! I'll bet if you go into an older bookstore or art shop there, you'll find some of Sharp's work. Would not surprise me.

  11. Very nice paintings. Reminded me of the works of Auguste Renoir.

  12. Rick29: Yes, she was heavily influenced by the French Impressionists. But she also reminds me of the work of some American Impressionists in her use of color and subject matter.

  13. I am a first time visitor to your blog Yvette after I spotted a link to this post from Lyn at I Prefer Reading and liked the look of the paintings.
    I recognised Dorothea Sharpe's work as soon as I saw the second picture because a friend, who is an artist herself, has written a book about her and she gave me a copy.
    I have tried to ring her today to find out how easy it is to get hold of copies but she is away on holiday. I will have to wait until I get home (I am writing this at work) to get the book details which I will let you have tomorrow.

  14. LizF: Oh, thanks so much for dropping by. And the news of a book sounds intriguing. I thought I saw something about a bio online, but wasn't sure it it had been published in this country or not. I got side-tracked and never followed up.

    I'll wait to hear from you. :)

  15. I found a bio of her at Amazon -- for the whopping price of $160! No used less costly copies.

    But then there was a book by Sharp about painting that was much less of an expense.

    Then they have posters by her on sale also.

  16. Kathy: Out of my price range. For sure. :)

    I'll check on the book about painting when I have a moment.


  17. I Iove Dorothea Sharpe's paintings. I to could never find much info. about her. I have a print called "Blue Bouquet" I have searched for a picture of the original but I seem to be at a lost.


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