
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wednesday: Quote of the Day

Ignorance is the necessary condition of life itself. If we knew everything, we could not endure existence for a single hour.

Anatole France, The Garden of Epicurus, 1894


  1. Oh, that poor little girl. What did she do to end up in the corner?

    Since it's not possible to know everything -- not even Stephen Hawkings does -- I guess we're all safe.

    That's a pretty sad quote.

  2. Anatole France har also wrote La Révolte des anges -The Revolt of the Angels
    I consider it propably the best book i have
    ever read!

  3. Hello Yvette:
    Although novels, they are set against a background of 'war' but may well appeal to you, and are by two of our favourite contemporary writers:

    William Boyd 'An Ice Cream War'
    Helen Dunmore 'The Seige'.

    The first is set in Africa during the First World War, the second in Leningrad during the 1939 - 1945 War.

    We saw the film of 'Is Paris Burning?' but have not read the book. You have tempted us. In the meantime, we have so enjoyed reading, and looking at, your blog which we have discovered through your comment left on Mark's.

  4. Kathy: My feeling is that she was either too stubborn or too smart to give the required answer or, perhaps, drew outside the lines. :)

  5. Demie: I've never read any of Anatole France's work, well, except for his various quotes which are, in general, good ones. :)

    I think maybe I'll see what novels of his might interest me - in translation.

    So much to read, so little time. :)

  6. Jane and Lance: Thanks so much for dropping by, for discovering my blog and for becoming new followers. :)

    I will take a look at the two books you recommend. I've heard of William Boyd, of course. But never of Helen Dunmore. This is the problem with blogging - there will always be another book or two or three that you haven't read but must add to your TBR list because they sound intriguing. Never enough time, never enough.

    I've never seen the film of IS PARIS BURNING? - I never thought it could possibly live up to the book. But that's just me being stubborn, I guess. :)


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