
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Scene of the Blog Today!

Scene of the Blog at Kittling: Books starring ME - Ta-Da.....!

Today, thanks to the magic of the Blog-O-Sphere (and the interest and kindness of a fellow blogger), I am featured on KITTLING: BOOKS' weekly SCENE OF THE BLOG post. Thanks so much to Cathy for including me in her very popular feature - I feel now as if I've really, REALLY arrived.  If you want to see more pix of where I blog and work, not to mention a pix of Rocky the Wonder Dog sprawled on 'his' sofa (and I hope you do), please use the above link and you will instantly be transferred to Cathy's wonderful KITTLING: BOOKS blog.

It's not all about me, of course. There are plenty of previous 'scene of the blogger' posts to look at (one of my favorite things to do ) - it's always so interesting to see where bloggers do their stuff. Don't you think? Plus, of course, you will find terrific reviews of books you will want to add to your TBR list and/or pile and often a beautiful painting by one of my favorite artists: Deborah DeWit Marchant.

I'll see you on over there.


  1. Yvette, This is such wonderful news. Congrats...
    Best of luck and good wishes. yvonne

  2. Very nice post about this blog and its highly creative organizer up at Kittling Books. The most incredible use of space is shown as well as the guard pooch.

    It's awesome.

  3. Glad to have met you via Kittling Books. Love your reading spaces.

  4. BTW - your blog is gorgeous and I'd love to subscribe to updates by email. Is this possible?

  5. La Petit Gallery: THANKS so much! You're a peach, Yvonne. :)

  6. Kathy: Thanks! A guard pooch, indeed. Ha!

  7. Kathy: Thanks! A guard pooch, indeed. Ha!

  8. Debbie: Nice to mee you as well. Thank you for the kind words and for dropping by and becoming a 'follower'. I think you can subscribe by email. Let me ask my daughter, she's the techno expert.

  9. I gleefully went over to look -- I love your work and leisure spaces, Yvette! I knew you had to have a very creative, fun and comfortable home!

  10. Pat: Thanks and thanks for taking a look! I always love seeing how other bloggers blog and/or work at home.

    It's nice to connect in that way. :)

  11. I just popped on over there and I must say that you have a great sense of personal style. Your space is almost the way I pictured it would be.

  12. Thanks so much, Ryan. I do like my 'stuff'.

    Your vacation just flew by - huh? It usually does. :)

  13. Thanks for being such a wonderful guest, Yvette-- it was an absolute pleasure!

  14. Cathy: It was a pleasure for me to participate. Loved the way it all turned out. :)

    Thanks for including me.


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