
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A brief grandma moment...

Allow me to brag for a moment or two or three on this Tuesday morning. This is a pix of my granddaughter. She is 13 months old. No more need be said since, really, her little happy face says it all.

Okay, now we can go back to our regular programming...


  1. Hello Yvette:
    She looks adorable. Those pretty eyes could melt stone!

  2. My daughter is pretty darned cute! :)

  3. Jane and Lance: Isn't she something? I am a very proud grandma, indeed. I have a suspicion she is going to be a heartbreaker. :)

  4. A happy baby speaks volumes about the love that surrounds her.

  5. oh. so. cute.

    love that sweet face.

  6. Wonderful picture of a happy and cute baby.

    This is what grandmothers are supposed to do! Another reason for a blog!

  7. Katie, Caftan Woman, Picky Girl and Kathy D:

    As a very proud Nana, THANK YOU! :)

  8. Katie, Caftan Woman, Picky Girl and Kathy D:

    As a very proud Nana, THANK YOU! :)

  9. Adorable! Cute as a button! Precious! And any other adjective I can think of!

  10. Yes, I agree. :) She is everything and more.

  11. Awwww...your granddaughter is as cute as the proverbial button, and she seems like such a happy little gal, too! And why not? It's clear that she loves people, and is loved in return, the little cutie! (Smart of you not to use her name, so as to protect her from no-goodniks! Sorry, I can't help it; you're communicating with someone who's written a novel called THE PARANOIA CLUB, after all :-)). You're a lucky grandma, Yvette, and your little grandbaby is lucky to have you, too!

  12. She is a beauty, no doubt. And such a happy little baby. Happiness is hard to hide on that perfect little face. :)

    I'm turning into such a mushy old Nana. HA!

  13. OMG such bright eyes and such lovely smile. I love this 'mush' post.

  14. neer: Thanks! Yes, mushy is the world for me when it comes to the little light of my life. :)


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