
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Indie Lit Awards Update

The Indie Lit Awards were initiated last year by Wallace at her blog, UNPUTDOWNABLES. She (and a cast of thousands - well, not really, but there are many book bloggers involved) will be doling out the award to favorite books published in the current year - books chosen by bloggers and readers. That means us! I thought it was a great idea when I first heard about it and I still think so. Bloggers and readers will nominate their favorite book in several categories beginning in September, then the books will be voted on by certain bloggers. Please check this link to Wallace's blog to get all the details. I'm always sketchy when it comes to details. You'll also be able to see what books won last year as well.

It's about time bloggers started handing out literary awards. Everyone else does.

Painting by Joseph Seymour Guy.


  1. Bloggers of the World Unite! You have nothing to lose but your keyboards. Announce and award great books. Set up voting. Give awards. It'll work.

    Why not?


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