
Monday, May 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Today to A Darling Little Girl: My Granddaughter!

Stop the presses! It's my granddaughter's birthday today! She is ONE and a more beautiful, more darling, more intelligent, more extraordinary, more perfect child I have never met. Yeah, I'm bragging. That's what a Nana is for. A friend told me that being a grandma is the reward you get for living a long life. I agree. I never thought I'd get all googly-woogly over this whole thing, but it turns out I have a great capacity for googly-woogly-ness. Who knew?

illust. by Golden Age illustrator, Racey Helps.


  1. Yayyy to Julianna Belle! I can't beleive my little girl is one year old! Daddy made her the best cake that we plan on devouring tonight along with some beef brisket!! :)

  2. Skye: Sounds great! She has grown so quickly and this past year has flown by. Everyone told you this would happen - time flying by, I mean - and sure enough, it has. What a whirlwind. That's why every minute is so precious. :)

    She's such a sweet, big girl. Can't wait to see her!

  3. Headlines read:
    yvette, you are so blessed she is so beautiful.
    I like the illustrator also. Looks like the old childcraft books.

  4. There's nothing like being a grandma... so different to being a mum! I love it, love it, love it. :-) And your grand-daughter is *beautiful*!!!

  5. She is such a beautiful girl. Every time I visit your blog, I love the picture of her in your sidebar. She looks extremely alert and intelligent - and of course YOUR grandchild must be. Congratulations!

  6. Happy first birthday to your precious little granddaughter, Yvette! She is so adorable!
    I think we treasure our grandchildren so much because now we know for sure that children do grow up too quickly and this second time around we just want to enjoy every moment.

  7. Yvonne: Thanks. I am so proud of being a Nana.

  8. Thank you, Cath. Yes, it's a great feeling, a great time. :)

  9. Thanks, Dorte. She is a little beauty, for sure. I'm so glad to be a Nana.

  10. Pat: Absolutely. But time is flying by much too quickly. I can hardly believe a whole year has gone by already. She has changed so much. You should see her little toothies! :)

  11. Happy birthday to your granddaughter. She is adorable.

    It is great to be a grandmother -- and without grandmothers where would any of us be?

    There is so much you can do for her and with her.

    And as they grow, every stage is interesting and fun to watch.

  12. Kathy: I just don't want it all to happen too quickly, that's all. Little by little. I never thought I'd enjoy being a Nana so much. :)

  13. Yvette, what's not to like? Just wait until she starts talking. You'll be on another planet with joy.

    My nephew, now an adult, called me "Aunt Daffy," when he was 2-4 years old, maybe a bit longer. I was so depressed when he got my name right.

  14. I'm hoping she'll call me Nana. :)

  15. Nana is a very good word, and it's easier for young children to say than "Grandma," or "Granny."

    My nephew called our mother "Nana," but he pronounced it like "Nona." It worked out. He stills calls her that.

    I'm not sure how this originated, but it's worked.


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