
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Artsy Pups: Domenica More Gordon

I have to thank the Brabourne Farm blog for tipping me off about the wonderful artist Domenica More Gordon. Look at the incredibly adorable felted pups she creates. I believe this sort of work is called 'felting'. But if you ask me how it's done, I just couldn't say. But I bet you could find the 'how to' online. Or at least, the beginning of 'how-to'. This sort of fine work, for me, rises above craft. Each little dog looks as if he or she might, at any moment, spring to life. All that's required is the wave of a magic wand. Is it art? Is it craft? Is it sculpture? Is it a toy?

All of the above.

To read about Domenica More Gordon's artistry and work, please go to to her website here.

Domenica More Gordon and one of her creations.


  1. Yvette , all I can say is WOW!!!! these puppies are sweet and I want them!!!!

  2. Me too!! I absolutely love them to pieces. Check out Gordon't website too. Don't forget. There's a link in the post. :)

  3. Hi Yvette. I have never ever heard of `felting` I am impressed by the detail achieved in creating these little dogs. The whole concept of felting is new to me. The nearest I have seen here ,were the woolen creations, - knitted (or croched I dont really know)- tiny figures for the recent Royal Wedding. I will check the link, now, just out of interest.

  4. Dave: I love 'felting'. There's another artist whose 'felting' work I love. Her name is Susan Mitchell. You can go to her website through a link I've provided on my left sideboard under 'Good Websites to Browse Around In'. I think you'll like he work as well, Dave.

    The thing about Domenica's pups that I love so much is that they are so adorably life like. Especially the larger dogs who remind me so much of my own late dog, Beemer. And she gets the expressions just right. I love this work. :)


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