
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Wishing You A Joyous Easter.

For all of you who celebrate this weekend, I wish you joy and a very Happy Easter. I'll be celebrating with family and friends, including my absolutely beautiful granddaughter. (Yes, I am one of those mushy grandmas, and PROUD of it!) Ha!

These wonderful illustrations are by one of my very favorite artists, British illustrator Racey Helps. Read more about Helps here. Link.


  1. He is a fabulous illistrator, I agree.
    My Uncle was the illistrator (MUTT and Jeff).
    This is the way I remember Easter, almost fairy like stories. I hope we don't lose this feel of telling stories. I enjoyed this post as always.

    yvonne Have Happy Easter, or Passover..

  2. And wishing you and yours a blessed Easter, as well! Give that beautiful granddaughter a few extra hugs...that's what grandmas are for.

    P.S. I adore those charming illustrations -- thanks for posting them.

  3. Yvonne: One of my very favorites. I love the charm.

    I loved MUTT AND JEFF, Yvonne! Do you have any of the original work?

    Thanks for kind words.

  4. Joanne: Will do! I never thought I'd turn into one of those googly grandmas, but I have. Ha!

    You're welcome, re: the illustrations. So glad you like them. :)

  5. Beautiful illustrations. I've seen these but didn't know the artist.

    I'm sure you'll load up your granddaughter with books full of illustrations like these.

    Have a nice time with your family, and hope the sun comes out on Sunday.

  6. Thanks, Kathy. Yes, Racey Helps is very recognizable, but few know his actual name. I've loved his work since I was a kid. :)

  7. Joyeuses Pâques de Madame Grenouille (première image....). Merci pour ces belles photos !

  8. Avec plaisir, Rainette. I didn't realize that 'frog' was 'Grenouille' in French. What a wonderful word! Joyeuses Pacques!

  9. Another great word. Much nicer than 'frog.' La rainette. I like it. :)

  10. Happy Easters to the little ones mouhhhhaaaaa

  11. a late bunny greet to you too ;)
    have a happy spring Yvette!

  12. Being a grandma("Nonna" in my case) has been the best reward for living long, Yvette! I'm sur eyou had a wonderful holiday with your little grand daughter!

  13. Pat: Yes, it's my reward as well. :) I am going to be Nana same as my mom was to my daughter. Had a grand time! Little Julianna was SO chic. Navy blue dress (puff sleeves, of course) with white polka dots, white leggings and white patent leather shoes. Tres chic! Ha!!


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