
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Where is Spring?

Just askin'. I'm still utilizing my winter coat. I mean, c'mon. If winter comes, can spring be far behind? Remember that? Maybe some music would help. How about Appalachian Spring by Aaron Copland? Part 1 here and Part 2 here. And Part 3 here.

Painting by American Impressionist Frank Benson.


  1. You can have my spring and my allergies that came in Feb. Tomorrow is supposed to be in the 90s. Then 50s on Monday. This weather is crazy.

  2. I have a Benson painting I bought at an auction. Upset when I found it was a W.Benson. Oh well it is a fantastic oil painting of sheep. I had my plowman come and he just destroyed my front law.
    I think he is on drugs. He plowed the lawn instead of the drive way.

  3. Ryan: I'm allergic to everything green - the pollen will get me again as it does every year. But I'm SO tired of winter...Had bad allergies this winter as well. So I can't win. HA! Today seems a nice day, but I'm not fooled. :)

  4. Yvonne: As long as you love the painting, that's what counts. :) I like paintings of sheep.

    Oh my goodness, your poor lawn. Take care.

  5. Ah spring! -as I sit at my computer with three layers, including my Irish wool sweater. :<) If you like Benson, you might like Edmund Tarbell a painter I just found out about a few years back. I wrote a blog entry on him:

    I so love his family oriented work.

  6. Hi Nan: Yes, strange weather these days. Yesterday was beautiful, but chillier than it looked. Today is gloomy and even chillier. I love Tarbell's work. I'd picked one of his paintings for a future post a while back. We have similar tastes in art, Nan. :)

  7. Very nice painting as usual. We need an Ode to Spring; maybe that will appeal to Mother Nature to let us have good weather, although this week will be in the 50s, even 60s.

    Wanted to let you know that Petrona website, which is based in England, and always has incisive and very good book reviews, has a positive write-up of Robert Crais' "The Sentry."

    Since you like his books so much, thought you'd like to read it. It's at

    This plus your recommendations will push me in this direction.

  8. Kathy: Today is gloomy and cold. Oh well, yesterday was relatively nice.

    Thanks for the link. I'll check it out.

  9. Kathy, the link isn't working for me. Wordpress keeps telling me it doesn't exist. Could you send me the link direct in an email? Thanks.


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