
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Saturday Salon: A Favorite Painting

This appears to be an untitled work by the artist Sarah S. Stilwell (1878 - 1939). Stilwell was a student of illustration great Howard Pyle and was influenced by him as many of his students were, including N.C. Wyeth. Stilwell is known primarily as an illustrator of children, but this powerful image certainly shows her mastery of other subjects. There's not much bio information online about Stilwell, the little I could find is here at this link.

What do I love about this painting? Well, the style, of course. The devil may care attitude. The whole idea of this woman being in complete command of her situation. Nothing can daunt her, not even a growling leopard. What will happen ten minutes from now no one knows. But for the moment, she is the master of two dangerous animals - one who seems to be indulging her and another who may be having second thoughts.


  1. Now a painting like this one might bring my animal-loving grandson into the world of art!

  2. Absolutely, Patti. You have to start them young -that's my motto! :-)

  3. Intriguing!

    I also like that you can hardly see where the leopards end and the woman begins. That makes her seem as lethal as they are.

  4. Dorte: Yes, good observation. I like that idea.

  5. Love the painting. This is why I come for a visit. I'd never have run across this on my own.

  6. Carol: Glad you like it. These posts are a lot of fun for me. I didn't know this artist's work until recently.

  7. Very interesting painting. I have never seen it nor do I know of the author.

    I think the woman looks self-confident and in control of her surroundings, including the leopards. No harm can come to her because she wills it so.

  8. The first thing that popped in my head was the movie Cat People.

  9. Kathy: I agree, Kathy. There's a story to be told here.

  10. Ryan: Could be. Why not? Maybe those two leopards are her 'familiars'. :-) That was some good movie - the original one, I mean. Saw it recently and for me, it still works.


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