
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Library Loot

Came back from the library staggering under the weight of nine books. Just lugging them into the house was enough. I get carried away sometimes, reserving on line. It's just so damn easy.

I always reserve extra just in case the primary books I'm wanting don't measure up. Sometimes Ill bring a whole stack home and then realize my heart just isn't in it, and back they go, mostly unread. I'm quirky that way.

Okay, books home from the library this time out: (These are all books I've heard good things about on blogs or elsewhere or titles I know about from having read previous work by the author.)

1) ROGUE ISLAND by Bruce DeSilva

2)SERPENT IN THE THORNS by Jeri Westerson

3)SUSPICIOUS MINDS by Martin Edwards

4) THE ARSENIC LABYRINTH by Martin Edwards


6)ONE WAS A SOLDIER by Julia Spencer Fleming

7)DEVIL'S TRILL by Gerald Elias

8)FEVER DREAM by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child

9) CEMETERY DANCE by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child


  1. Wow! What a haul!

    Can't wait for the reviews.

    It's good you overorder so then you have back-up in case a few don't work out. It is worse to be without a few good ones, so better to get more and sort them out.

    Don't you bring a shopping cart or a travel cart for that load?

  2. I do the same thing. Sometimes, you just can't get into a book, and what would you do without backup? Your loot looks pretty good, though. I just downloaded Spencer-Fleming's new book on my Kindle and am looking forward to that one.

  3. Kathy: Sometimes, I don't get past the first chapter, but at least I have lots to choose from.
    I always give the books a shot. You never know when you're going to find a gem. :)

  4. Carol: I am such a big fan of the Julia Spencer-Fleming books - since the very beginning. Great books. I can't wait to read this one. Back-up is necessary - for sure. HAA!

  5. Glad I'm not the only one who takes books back to the library unread. Sometimes between getting them home and picking them out to read you just change your mind about wanting to read them.

    The only one of those I've read is The Arsenic Labyrinth and it was excellent.

  6. Oh, absolutely, Cath. Not that I do it on purpose, but I can pretty well tell when I'm not going to like a book. Or sometimes it's just that I'm not in the mood for something or other.
    I've just recently discovered Martin Edwards. I love the setting of the books as well as the good writing.

  7. Other than the Daniel Silva the books are all new to me but they certainly sound good judging by all the comments! Enjoy all the reads and looking forward to your reviews.

  8. Yes, definitely good to be overloaded and have choices. But individual taste and moods are key factors in whether one will like a book or even read it.

    Sometimes books surprise one. And sometimes when a book doesn't appeal to me, it will later on.

    I am reading a series now I love, which I didn't like a few years ago: the Swedish "parents" of crime fiction -- Maj Sjowall and Per Wahloo.

    And this happens often. My taste is much broader since I tried the global reading challenge and read readers' blogs, and I am so thankful for these websites and blogs. Another person's perspective can pull one into new reading adventures: It's truly great.

    And I get reminders about Nero Wolfe and so many other classics and excellent movies, too.
    And am trying a lot of new to me books.

    And since there are so many choices these days, if books don't suit one, then there are a lot more to try.

    The worst thing is to find oneself without a book! This happened to me this week until I found a loaned book from a friend. It was not great, but it was a mystery of sorts; it sufficed, but tomorrow to the library for 4 reserves and a British movie, "Made in Dagenham."

  9. Mystica: I've only ever read one other Daniel Silva book, but I've heard lots of good things about this new one. Should be a winner. I'm also really looking forward to ONE WAS A SOLDIER. I love Julia Spencer-Fleming's series.

  10. Kathy: I'm smiling because I'm rarely without a book - luckily. I have so many of my own books from years ago when I used to buy in quantity. There's always something here waiting to be read. Ha! (I have bookshelves in every room!) AND the library is only three blocks away. I am awash in books!

    Yes, books sometimes don't appeal to me until the moment when I'm in the mood for a particular sort of book. But if the writing's bad I'll never be in the mood. But it's amazing how much I read by mood.

    I'm not as fond of the Norther European authors as you are, Kathy. But I did read all the Wahloo and Sjowall books years ago.

  11. I've been looking for Rogue Island for the past three months. I wanted to buy it. It's never in any store I set foot in. "We can always order it for you." Ugh. And it's continually out on loan at the library. Double ugh. You'll probably get to it before me at this rate.

    I attempted to read The Devil's Trill last year when I was on a violins and murder kick (BTW: Paganini's Ghost by Paul Adam is superb. Hunt that one down at the library). I never finished Trill though. I don't want to prejudice you against it and so I'll reserve my scathing comments until you finish it. Or abandon it. Let me know.

    I went overboard this month and took out way too many books and then went on a buying binge and want to read the books I bought instead of the books I took out of the library. (I do sound like a total basket case, don't I? Bibliomania. Whoopee!) Now I'm returning more than half the books I took out of the library. Thye're so obscure they'll be there for months when they finally get re-shelved. No one had taken them out in years prior to me finding them according to the library database. I figure I'm safe.

    Oh, and one of the books I had to return was Martin Edwards' The Coffin Trail. Great minds, eh?

  12. John: I have a feeling that I began THE DEVIL'S TRILL at some point a while back and abandoned it after a few chapters. But I can't be sure, so I brought it home again. Will definitely let you know. I'll look for PAGANINI'S GHOST.

    I've done the same exact things, John. Took out library books then read something else I had at home. Do it all the time, in fact. Two of the books from the above list are already on their way back, by the way. I only wish I could love everything I borrow. But it's just not going to happen.

  13. John: And another thing...I was surprised myself to find no reserves on ROGUE'S ISLAND. Not sure it's my kind of book, but I've heard so much good about it that I thought: well, let's see what the fuss is about. :)

  14. I read Devil's Trill not that long ago. It was very interesting, especially all the insight on violin's and the people who play them in the classical world.

  15. Robyn: I'm definitely going to give it a good look. :)

  16. How come folks returned The Coffin Trail? I returned it recently, would like to read what others thought.

    I got immersed in Half-Moon Street by Anne Perry, and it turned out to be quite interesting, and good insights about people. So I may turn to this author but she has written so much, I have to be judicious in choices -- as I have a humongous TBR list and aa growing TBR pile and just got 4 library books, and have another 10 on hold.

    By the way, thank goodness for individual taste! What a dreary world this would be if we all thought and read alike! It's just great to read/hear about other readers' opinions and tastes.

  17. Kathy: I'm glad you enjoyed the Anne Perry book. As I said, I've read most of her books. If you love historical mysteries, they are wonderful.

    I'm not familiar with THE COFFIN TRAIL..? What's it about?

    As for reading taste, yes, thank goodness we don't all like the same things. BORING. ;)

  18. A blogger above in a comment said he had to return The Coffin Trail; it's Martin Edwards' first, I think.

    I could get into historical mysteries, I think, with Anne Perry's books, but my TBR piles and lists are too great, and I'm trying to read global crime fiction -- with a smattering of U.S. thrown in, as Nero Wolfe, and contemporary books. I just came home from the library with one set in India, one set in the Solomon Islands, one set in NYC and one set in the U.S. South. And lots on reserve, must add a Nero Wolfe to that.

    It is good we have different taste. I just love to read comments and reviews about books, even if it's not my taste. What insights and observations readers come up with is so interesting.

  19. Kathy: Thanks for clearing that up. You know how my memory is: NON-EXISTENT!

    I returned to the library as well and brought home three MORE books that were being held on reserve for me. The latest Thomas ans Charlotte Pitt book by Anne Perry among them. :)

    I have to admit I'm not as interested in global crime unless I'm familiar with the author or someone has highly recommended the book.

    Thank goodness for variety!!!


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