
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Jersey Shore 'Reality' TV and Oscar Wilde: Perfect Together

Okay, I saw this video a few moments ago and loved it. Too funny! And may I say that I am not a fan of Jersey Shore (the tv show) - in fact, I've never seen it (nor under anything but the threat of immediate, excruciating death, would I do so) so I'm kind of operating blind here. I'll take it for granted from things I've read online that the show is a vulgar exploitation of type - fine. I suppose it appeals to those fond of watching self immolation and reality car crashes. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)

Having said this, I do love Oscar Wilde AND British accents. Watch at this link as actors from Wilde's THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST take on Jersey Shore dialogue and survive. HA!

Thanks to Galleycat for the tip.


  1. It's wonderful! Only problem: It's too short.

    We want more of this!

  2. Kathy: I think they're going to do more. I hope so. ;-)

  3. I detest The Jersey Shore.....It's crass and too many other adjectives to list. I guess I'm sounding like a book loving snov, but so be it.

    I will go check the video out though and I love the shoe.

  4. I agree with the conditions set forth above as the only way one would watch The Jersey Shore. If I were on a desert island, and this were the only tv show on -- imagining that there was a tv there -- I still wouldn't watch it.

    I think some people watch it as comedy, the theater of the absurd.

  5. Ryan: I've never seen it, but I can imagine. Ugh.

    Check out the video, it's funny regardless.

  6. Kathy: The 'cast' of wierdos is laughing all the way to the bank. It's aggravating, but this is the state of TV Land now. Ugh!

  7. I don't know. Is this part of the "dumbing down of America"? Sometimes I think this is deliberate.

    Like does tv have to put out shows guaranteed to lower IQ points?

  8. Kathy: Whatever makes money and for whatever reason, people like to watch these shows and then consider themselves superior, I suppose. Ha!

  9. having seen it once (which was more than enough)I think The Jersey Shore is a disgrace and sterotypes Italian Americans in the worse way. That said I can't wait to send this video link to my DIL as she sometimes watches the show for laughs and will get a kick out of this!

  10. Pat: Oh, this is a funny video. She should love it! :)


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