
Monday, March 21, 2011

Downton Abbey

In a frenzy of I don't know what, I watched all seven episodes of DOWNTON ABBEY. Okay, I admit it: I was enthralled. I loved it. I wish there had been seven more episodes. I haven't been so taken with a series since the old days of Masterpiece Theater. This is great television. More, please.

Though, going forward, I see darkness down the line at Downton: WWI has arrived.

I am always unsettled by shows, films and books set around this time because of the historical fact of that dreadful war to end all wars. Unless the story is set in some sort of alternate universe, the war must intrude. And we're in for all sorts of ghastly doings.

So we know, if the series continues, some of the cast members are probably done for. I am mad about Brandon Coyle as Bates the valet. Hopefully he's too old to serve AND he has that bad knee. I am also crazy about Hugh Bonneville as Lord Grantham. He is extraordinary. An aristocrat with honor and scruples AND a touch of humanity. Just a lovely, lovely portrayal. (He also portrayed Mr. Bennett in LOST IN AUSTEN, another favorite of mine.)

I loved Jim Carter as Carson, the butler and Elizabeth McGovern as Lady Grantham. And, well, what can you say about Maggie Smith at this stage of the game? She is simply superb as the Dowager Countess of Grantham. "...what is a weekend?"

Their way of life is coming to an end quicker than perhaps any of them had thought. (If they thought about it at all.)

I do hope there will be more episodes going forward. Does anyone know if any are planned? They would be crazy not to.

As you can tell, I am besotted with this show. Why didn't I watch it sooner? PBS, what would we do without you?


  1. I've read somewhere (maybe on my local PBS station website) that a second series is in production now. Apparently the show was such a success in Britain that a second series was scheduled. We should enjoy it soon after it's released in the UK. I was in London in late September and the first series was being aired then. We got it here in January/February, I think.

  2. Well, have to admit that I thought I wouldn't be entranced by this series, but I was and I am, and I have to catch up on a few episodes; hope the library has them.

    And how could Maggie Smith not be fantastic? She just oozes it out of every pore. (Did you see "Tea with Mussolini"? She is superb.)

    My aversion is to WWII books and movies, because of the horrors of it all. WWI was certainly a horror in itself. Hope this series isn't too sad.

  3. Missed DA on first time round but caught it on a re-run - very beautiful to watch although some of the 'upstairs/downstairs' attitudes were a bit off from real life!

    Saw Hugh B at one of our local theatres week before last in a performance of 'Blithe Spirit' - oh, so very dashing!

  4. Forgot to say - Yes, 2nd series has been commissioned, see:

    See also:


  5. We have just been treated to the first two episodes in Denmark - very promising indeed - so I also hope they will continue the series.

  6. I did the same thing - watched all the episodes in one hit. A friend lent me the DVD and I thought "oh no not another period drama" but I got sucked in - I even watched the special features! Great acting and sets and costumes and writing...pity there's not more of this kind of thing.

  7. Carol: Glad to hear there's a new series in production. There were so many things left up in the air, I'll bet they were planning a sequel all along.

  8. Kathy: Oh, I loved the series. All in 'one fell swoop' too! There's not war depiction, it just comes as news in the last episode.

  9. Sue: Hugh Bonneville - sigh! And the guy who played Bates - sigh! I liked the older men in this one. The younger ones left me cold. How uninteresting they are. The woman who played O'Brien, the evil maid, could easily play Mrs. you-know-who in REBECCA. Horrible woman.

  10. Dorte: I'll bet they're available on Kindle. :)

  11. Dorte: Or is it I-Pad I mean? Whatever. ;)

  12. Bernadette: Oh, the production values are wonderful. I thought they caught the period very well. Yes, I wish there were more of this sort of thing. But I assume they are not easy to do and they probably cost a bit to produce. Thank goodness for the public broadcasting stations in this country. (PBS) Without them we'd never see anything like this produced.

  13. Hi Yvette
    I've heard so many good things about this series. I will have to look for it in Netflix. My husband and I just finished watching the HBO "John Adams" series DVDS ...superb! The casting was perfect. I highly recommend it!

  14. Pat: Netflix has DOWNTON ABBEY on Instant Play! I'll keep an eye out for the JOHN ADAMS series. Next time I feel in the mood for over-dosing on period drama I will line 'em up. :)

  15. I loved this one, too! Did you ever see Masterpiece's "Upstairs, Downstairs?" This reminded me a lot of that one, although I think I liked it more. That may also be because it has such a fond place in my memory.

  16. Lisa: Yes, years ago. This reminded me of it a bit. I hated the way they ended that series. It just about broke my heart.

  17. Yes, cheers to PBS! Hopefully, our "Congress" will not stop funds to it, as the House just did with NPR. Will see what happens.

  18. Kathy: That whole underfunding of NPR is a disgrace. Hopefully sanity will prevail when it comes to PBS. But I think their funding is set up differently. At least, I hope so. There'd be nothing on TV to watch except baseball and the NFL if PBS went under, that's for sure. Oh, and Turner Classic Movies. That's about it.

  19. Sunday before last, I did exactly what you mention. I played the first one (fairly late in the evening) and kept hitting "Next" on my Netflix player. It was fantastic, and I'm so glad there is more out there.

    Have you read the Maisie Dobbs series? Since you mention the devastation of WWI, I think you might enjoy these. It's a mystery series set in the aftermath of WWI and deals heavily with the national psyche. Fantastic!

  20. They are planning on doing two more series, one during the war years, and one during the post-war years. The sooner the better--I loved this series, and got to review it for Slant Magazine:

  21. picky girl: Wasn't it fun to just sit there and watch episode after episode? This is the only reason I keep Netflix. This and their nice collection of vintage movies.

    I read the first two MAISIE DOBBS a long while back and then, for whatever reason, never read the rest. I've been meaning to go back and begin with the third book. Thanks for the reminder!

  22. Peter: Oh, TWO more, great news! But I have a feeling there's lots of 'sadness' coming. I'll be glued to my computer screen once the episodes are available here. THANKS for letting us know!

    I'll go check out your review for sure.


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