
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Belated Happy Birthday, Vincent Van Gogh.

Yesterday was the birthday of the Dutch post-impressionist, Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890) and I missed it. Hence this belated post to celebrate the birth date of this immortal artist.

Learn about the history of some of Van Gogh's works here from the collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. And please visit the Van Gogh Museum here.


  1. Love the cafe painting. He was a fantastic artist, and so disturbed. Thanks for this post.


  2. Doesn't it turn out now that the man had epilepsy? During the 19th century that would have been enough to make people think he was mad. By the way, it might have been enough to make him think he was going insane. Poor man. But oh, what a brilliant artist. I wonder what he would make of his super-stardom now. Probably think: what took you so long?

  3. Ah, several of my favourites! Happy Birthday, Vincent!

  4. Hi Dorte: These are some of my favorites as well. I'm only sorry I was a day late.

  5. Happy Birthday, Vincent!

    These are all lovely paintings, but my favorite is still the woman with books in her lap, who is looking off pensively, which is posted at the top right-hand side of your website.

    Wonder what she was reading and thinking about?

  6. Kathy: I love that one too. But I wanted to keep the paintings on this post all of a tone. Some of my favorites of Van Gogh are also his self-portraits. How he viewed himself.


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