
Friday, March 25, 2011

Agatha Christie Carnival

If you like a good Golden Age mystery: Don't forget to check out the Agatha Christie Monthly Carnival at Kerrie Smith's blog, MYSTERIES IN PARADISE.

Every month Kerrie rounds up the entries and posts a great list of Agatha Christie themed posts by various bloggers. Including me, of course....ahem!


  1. Me too! This is an easy meme for me since I tend to read Christie on and off all the time. Kind of like eating m&ms. It's just a habit. :)

  2. I'm in love with the covers. I'm envious of anyone that has the full set of them.

  3. You can probably hunt them down, Ryan. I believe these are the most recent covers, or at least, not that old. Every few years they re-issue her books in spiffy covers. I wish I had these too.
    If you can find out the publisher you can track the covers down, I'm thinking.


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