
Friday, February 18, 2011

A stylish 'STYLISH' Award for Yours Truly.

Thanks to Pretty Sinister Books. (Read this or else...!) My blog is now the proud possessor of a Stylish Blog Award. This was an unexpected surprise, but a great way to begin a Friday. Thank you, John.

John Norris is a writer, blogger and bookseller of, all together now: Pretty Sinister Books! He has a love for the older, classic mystery, the out-of-print, vintage books on crime, adventure and the supernatural. Plus he's a pretty stylish guy. And like me, he's a new blogger. Point of fact: he's even newer than me. If you love vintage mysteries and everything that goes with 'em, check out John's Stylish blog.

Ah, the life of a 'stylish' blogger. Never a dull moment. I'm supposed to send this award out to three other bloggers I find especially stylish. Well, not that easy to do since all the blogs I read are known for their sylishness and pizzazz. Otherwise, of course, I would not be reading them. HA! We are known by the company we keep. Wait a sec', I need to adjust my feather boa.

Picture me now as I accept this honor: Diamond tiara, purple feather boa, green fleece sweatshirt, baggy red plaid flannel pants and bright pink fuzzy slippers. I mean, tell me, really: just how much more stylish can a person be? And by the way, why isn't Vogue calling? (Just kidding about the tiara and the boa - but if I HAD 'em, I'd wear 'em.)

Luckily, the award is for my blog which is a labor of love for me.

My three choices today to receive The Stylish Blogger Award are:
(in alphabetical order)

First Time Mama - First Time Blogger - What a surprise! My own daughter's blog is a great place to go to read not only about all things Julianna (my adorable granddaughter) but all things having to with raising the perfect child.(Just kidding, well, maybe not. Julianna IS pretty perfect.) Skye's blog is a terrific resource for all sorts of baby facts, 'how-to's, new ideas, new products, new everything (and some tried and true 'old school' stuff as well) having to do with babies. She even, occasionally, will include yummy quick and easy recipes for busy moms.

(An added bonus for me, as her mom, is that I'm learning new things about my own daughter. This blogging adventure has revealed a side of my kid that I never knew existed and makes me even prouder to be her mom.)

I Refuse To Go Quietly - writer and blogger Sue H's excellent blog on books and life, featuring her own wonderful short stories and whatever else she might be writing at any given moment. Sue has been one of my own loyal blogging friends since the very beginning and I remain grateful to her for her friendship and encouragement. She was also a contributor to my own little fiction challenge which ended a few days ago and resulted in her own terrific entry. Check out her blog if you're in the mood for style and good writing.

Squeezegut Alley - Writer, blogger and vintage film enthusiast Nicolas Pillai's blog is dedicated to film, film, and more film, oh - and crime fiction as well. All vintage - all the time. I'm so glad I discovered Nicolas's blog though I can't remember exactly where and when. - ah well, the important thing is that I did. Nicolas has been a great supporter, posting comments and joining in whenever I blog about old films and mysteries, I love. (Which is often. Who knew there were this many vintage film and book lovers out there?) Nicolas also contributed a wonderful entry in my recent short story challenge, so I thank him for that as well. Go check out his posh blog.

Hope to see you all later at the Stylish Awards dinner and dance. Tiaras optional. Remember: stylish is as stylish does.


  1. Thank you !! I love getting awards! Yayy!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What I meant to write: You are most welcome, daughter dear. ;)

  4. Wow, thank you, I'm very flattered! It's been so nice talking over old movies and mysteries with you. You're certainly a VERY stylish blogger yourself!

    Thanks again Yvette, you've made my day!

  5. You're welcome, Nicolas. Style is our middle name - right? You know I truly am surprised by how many people like vintage - like the stuff that I grew up with, that I love. I'm liking this blogging gig more and more. ;)

  6. Thanks SO much, Ryan. I noticed rewards are no strangers to YOUR blog, my friend. :)

  7. Thankyou for thinking of me, Yvette! I am dead chuffed to have this award and I have passed the honour onwards. Reading through this post has now brought me to 'new' blogs and writers, so I thankyou most heartily for introducing me to the likes of John Norris and others!

  8. You're so welcome, Sue! I'm 'dead chuffed' too. Ha! Love it. There are so many wonderful blogs out there, Sue. Do you think we'll ever do more than just scratch the surface? :) Well, at least I've struck gold just these last few months. Good times.


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