
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Okay, here's the problem...

I've written a short story for the Flash Challenge. Challenging myself, I suppose since we seem to have lost all the potential short story writers along the way. Well, except for Sue H. and Joyce. (Can't wait to see what they've come up with. And if you think I'm not intimidated, you'd be wrong.)

Okay, what's the problem? Here's the problem: I originally set the limit at 1500 words. But fellas' and gals I just can't do it. I couldn't come up with a solution to the mystery in less than...say, about 2500 words or so. I've tried and tried and tried again and I can't cut another word. I apologize in advance. Hey, it's my challenge, if I want to break the rules, I suppose I can. I was never in the competition anyway. It was hard enough just to think the thing up. Ha!

If any of you are writing anything (any size) for Monday's reveal, please, I beg you, use as many words as you you like. STOP COUNTING! All bets are off! Write the story as you NEED to write it. Tell it in the best way in the best length you can. Just so long as it's, basically, a 'short story.' The whole point of this thing is to SOLVE the initial mystery which, you can read about here.

If you CAN do it in 1500 words, you're a better man than I am, Gunga Din.


  1. Yvette, I saw your response to my first comment on your short story challenge. I'm glad you liked my blog. There are a couple of guest authored pieces (which really don't reflect my own classic loves, but for which I am flattered and grateful). Believe me, I DO NOT write for all those blogs -- I'd have to be at the keyboard 24 hours a day! I write for my own blog and for the Classic Film and TV Cafe. Most of my listed blogs are other members of the Classic Movie Blog Association, to which I belong. I follow their reviews and have made some good cyber-friends. I hope you and I can do the same.

  2. So relieved to see the word count max removed. I've been agonizing here! Now I can finish it up. I'll be emailing you my link before too long. I won't be too much over the 1500. Thanks so much for this post. You made my day!

  3. Joyce, please post the story on your blog. (So glad you're joining us!) and link it to my blog.
    I will list the entries and their blog links on my post soon as I know how many of us there are. I will also post links when I post my own story which I think I'm going to post on a separate page. Not sure yet. (I hope this makes sense.)

    I gave up on the 1500 words when I saw how few words they actually were.

    So, use as many words as you like. As I said: all bets are off!

  4. Classic Becky: Oh, good to know you're not toiling away 24/7 - ha! With our love of classic films, I'm sure we're going to be good cyber friends. I'm going to investiage this Classic Movie Blog Assoc. Sounds like something I should be familiar with. :)

  5. Hey Yvette! I have my story all loaded and ready to go - so it will be up there first thing tomorrow morning!

  6. Yvette, Is it okay if I post the link here or would you rather I email it to you? Just let me know if this is okay. Thanks. Joyce

  7. For some reason, my links don't always show up like they should so I'll just go ahead and email it anyway. Hopefully, it will show up as an actual link.

  8. Hi Joyce. I think it's best if you post the story on your blog then link with my blog post tomorrow. (Once I post the story.) Your link on the comments post doesn't link at a touch and I'm afraid people wanting to read the story will prefer a direct link at the press of a key.

    If you email me the story directly I'm going to have trouble posting it on my blog since I am hopelessly incompetent when it comes to techno-logistics.

    At any rate, if the story is on your blog tomorrow, I'll make sure people will know about it and can link to it if you prefer to leave it to me. Am I making any sense?

    I'm not posting my story until after midnight tonight. I am six hours behind Sue H in England.
    I live in New Jersey. Not sure where you are. :)

    I'll be posting an explanatory post first (Before midnight because of the time differences.) so readers will know that the stories tomorrow are in response to the original news story of the missing painting found in the apartment after 70 years. I'll post the news story as well. I promise it will all make sense when it's done.

    Are we on the same page now? ;)
    Hope so.

    Any questions, please feel free to email me direct. My email is on the 'about me' feature.

    I hope I am making some sense. Ha!

  9. I can't wait for these stories! The word count doesn't matter; it's the plot, story line, characters, the puzzle!

    As somebody who edits informally, one way to shorten a word count is to eliminate clauses, and a lot of prepositions and make sentences more direct. That is one way to tighten the writing., i.e., "The meeting, which took place on Jan. 28, was attended by more than 300 people who voted to fund more money for schools." That could be "The 300-person meeting on Jan. 28 voted for more school funding." This cut the words in half with no change in meaning.

    However, you are such a good writer and I enjoy every word on the blog--so go to it!

  10. Kathy: NOW I am REALLY intimidated. Well, all I can do is post the thing and hope for the best.
    I'm a wordy writer, it's the way I think. I'm hoping you'll be kind. :)

  11. I am kind. I love to read your blog every day, and more than once a day.

    I just finished editing and tightening something, so that was in my brain...the conundrum of how to tighten someone else's writing without taking any ideas out. It's hard sometimes. Everyone is wedded to their words.

  12. Hi Yvette! I've had a busy few weeks, so have just been catching up with all the blogs in my Google Reader. Sorry to hear about your accident, hope you get well soon! Here's a link to my story for the challenge:

    Hope you enjoy it!

  13. Yvette, if you have a moment when your short story links are done, could you drop me a note? I'm a little confused as to how to find them. I tried to pull up the address from Squeeze above, but it just took me to the Wordpress site. My email is
    By the way, since you love beautiful things as much as I, it would be great if you would like to check out my latest post on The Return of the Firebird ballet.

  14. Oops. My site is
    I forgot the blogspot part!

  15. Classic Becky: You should be able to link directly from the short story post. I listed three links in the body of the post. The short story was posted on 2/14. I'm going to send it to your email. That should do the trick. :)

  16. Becky: I will definitely be over to your website in a few minutes. :) Can't wait to see what you've been up to.


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