
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Vintage Mysteries: Book One

First book of the New Year:

Coincidentally, the book I'm reading on this first day of the new year is not merely a great mystery, but a great vintage mystery (published in 1949) - perfect for kicking off the Vintage Mysteries Reading Challenge hosted by My Reader's Block.

The book is titled: CAT OF MANY TAILS. All about a mad strangler at large in NYC. It's part of a three book anthology I picked up at the library.

I'm sure there will be even more Ellery Queens on my TBR pile before the end of this year. I though I was starting out with one I'd read many years ago, but as I'm reading it, I'm thinking well, maybe not. We'll see as I go along. Terrific story, so far.


  1. Can't wait to see what you think of "Cat." I read that quite a while ago. Way before I was blogging and reviewing. Is the pictured book the edition you're reading. I love that cover. It's much more interesting than the edition I have.

  2. I have the one with the boring red cover. Got it from the library. The blue cover with the black cat looks like the more interesting edition. (That's why I showed the blue cover in a larger size on my post.) I feel pretty lucky that my local library as a nice selection of vintage.

    I'll be reviewing it sometime next week.

  3. This is really nostalgic. When I began reading mysteries while in high school, I read the Ellery Queen mystery magazines my father brought home, while I also sampled Nero Wolfe, Sherlock Holmes, Hercule Poirot, Perry Mason and a few books by Dorothy Sayers and Josephine Tey.

  4. Hi. A very happy new year to you. After reading about the challenge on your blog, I too have joined it and am all gung-ho about it. You'll be reading more than sixteen books! Hats off to you. Will see whether I can get a copy of this book from library.

  5. Kathy: Why don't you join the Vintage Mystery Reading Challenge? It's a good excuse to read lots of older books we might have overlooked PLUS do a bit of rereading as well. It's going to be lots of fun!

  6. neer: Thanks! Happy New Year to you, too. I think it's going to be a good one. I'm glad you've joined up. This is going to be a great Challenge. I love many of the vintage books and reread them all the time.


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