
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sunday Salon: Summing Up

A quietly cold week with not much enterprise on my part. January seems to be the month when the hibernation gene kicks in. A month for hot tea, hot soup, freshly baked bread and lots of good reading. By some sort of epicurean miracle, I picked up a small container of gorgeous strawberries at the store and made quick work of them. (And bythe way, speaking of soup and hearty meals, how I miss the old Gourmet Magazine.)

I reviewed Susan Hill's excellent non-fiction book about books HOWARD'S END IS ON THE LANDING on the Monday after the most excellent - in outcome, at least - NY Jets vs. Colts nail-biting wildcard game. The Jets get to play the New England Patriots tonight, but I have a feeling the Jets are done for. The Patriots seem to be the Jets' nemesis. Still, it should be an exciting game IF it's not the blow-out their last embarrassing encounter was.

Tuesday we talked about Hollywood's quirky casting decisions and how different certain classic films would have been with different actors in major roles. We also rejoiced over Jean Cocteau's incredibly beautiful classic LA BELLE ET LA BETE (Beauty and the Beast). Do yourselves a favor if you still haven't seen this beauty of a film and book it right away.

I also posted some pix of differing Beauty and the Beast concepts by assorted artists and creators. Fun to compare them.
Wednesday was the occasion for my second entry in the Vintage Reading Challenge: Castle Skull by John Dickson Carr. A terrific book high in melodramatic ghoulishness featuring Carr's unique creation, French detective Henri Bencolin.

Thursday was the day for My Favorite Reads post, and this time out we talked about a book full of photos and info about the good old days of B-movies: A THOUSAND AND ONE DELIGHTS by Alan Barbour. Fun.

Friday I posted excerpts from Hans Bauer's book, IN THE BEGINNING Great First Lines From Your Favorite Books. This is a subject I could talk about for ever and ever, but thankfully for all, I stopped short. Ha! I also posted two of my own personal favorite opening few lines.

Yesterday on Saturday Salon, I posted a favorite painting, American Impressionist Frederick Childe Hassam's Summer Sunlight just to remind us that summer is not, really and truly, THAT far off.

We also talked about favorite animated features that a grownup would not be embarrassed to be caught watching. At least, not this 'grown-up'.

A quiet week. Yesterday and today spent a little anxiously because Rocky the Wonder Dog is not feeling well. I suspect when he was running around at full speed the other day he pulled a muscle. (I hope that's all it is.) He's done this before. But this time it seems a bit more serious. If he's not feeling any better by tomorrow, I think we'll have to see the vet. Stay tuned.


  1. Really enjoyed your blog! We share a lot of the same tastes in books and paintings and movies.
    I've really enjoyed my visit!

  2. Hi Terri: Thanks so much for dropping by and for the kind words. Glad you enjoyed my efforts. :)

  3. My best wishes to Rocky. It is terrible to see a pet suffer from illness or injury.

    I can't sleep when my neighbor's Dachshund is under the weather.

  4. Thanks so much Kathy. Rocky's feeling better today, but he's still achey. I just have to save him from his exuberance. He's a chihuahua, he's not meant to run like the wind. Ha! He's improving, don't worry.


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