
Monday, January 31, 2011

How's this for an idea? An Agatha Christie Theme Park!!

Just thought of it. Am I brilliant or what? (Well, actually I was replying to a Christie comment from Martha on the travel poster post, when the idea hit me.) Why hasn't anyone ever thought of this? Imagine it: exhibits based on each of her more famous books - actors portraying the various characters. There would be rides based on the settings of her books. The park would have to be in England, I think. Or maybe in this country, it would be easy enough for people with Disney type money to create an idealized England setting. Though we'd also need the more exotic sets of some of her other books, i.e. Mesopotamia, Africa, Egypt, the Balkans etc. There would have to be an Orient Express that runs throughout the whole park, of course. With murders conveniently staged along the way. For the millions of readers of Christie books with humor and imagination, it would be THE destination spot.

The hotels in the park would all be named after one or more of Christie's characters, book titles, etc. The Jane Marple Bed and Breakfast. The Hercule Poirot Luxury Hotel and Spa. The Chimneys Hotel. The Harlequin Supper Club. The Thirteen At Dinner Supper Club. The Tommy and Tuppence Motel. The Body in the Vicarage Tea Shop. Three Blind Mice Tea Shop. A Dead Man's Folly Afternoon Fete. thrown every afternoon, weather permitting. The possibilities are endless.

Kids would get to know not only Christie's books but mysteries in general. They would share in the enthusiasm of their parents and hopefully become life-long readers.

What do you think? Too subtle?

Note: The pix just below the Dead Man's Folly bookcover, is from some sort of Agatha Christie game I found online. The pix is all I have of it, though.


  1. I would go in a heartbeat. In fact, I want to go right now. Agatha Christie, take me away!

  2. chicagofats: Thanks for dropping by. I'd go too - also in a heartbeat. I can see the busload of tourists now. Or should I say 'caravans'? :)

  3. That's simply brilliant! I'd go. Now. No, make that 5 minutes ago.

  4. Bev: Okay, that makes three of us. What are they waiting for?? :)

  5. Doesn't float my boat (I'm not a Christie fan) but if it makes YOU happy, I'm all for it!!! ;-)


  6. Add me to the list of likely visitors. Hey, it's working big time for Universal with Harry Potter, so why not give Dame Agatha a chance?

  7. Janine, dear, I never said you were perfect. And yet, I like you. HA! ;)

  8. Les: That makes four. Hey, before you know it, we'll have a group! Don't listen to Janine. :)

    Harry Potter, Harry Potter. I'd rather visit with Dame Agatha's creations. (Though I read the Potter books and liked them, especially the last three.)

  9. Tres brilliant idea! You should be a writer, or a theme-park designer, in your new careers.

    I wonder if anyone thought of this already in England, or if it was ever planned and then dismissed. This must have come up somewhere.

    It could have lots of maps with murder mystery sites, with treasure hunts with clues, so that park-goers could figure out the crime solutions...lots of possibilities.

  10. Kathy: I thought it was brilliant too! HA! There are so many authors and books, beside Harry Potter, that deserve theme parks. Why not?

  11. I'm definitely in, but not sure I'd visit Indian Island.

  12. Oh Peter, I'd forgotten about Indian Island. That could be an enclave for the more well heeled travelers. An extra ritzy part of the park. Indian Island Castle Hotel and Spa. No expenses spared - murder included. :)

  13. Hi Mystica, we can start a conga line down the main street of Chipping Cleghorn. Ha!

  14. Fantastic idea. Let me know when it opens.

  15. No theme park here yet, I'm afraid, but if you ever visit England try and visit Agatha Christie's home, Greenway, in Devon. It's so atmospheric you almost expect to find a body in the library!

  16. Michelle Ann: Sounds like just the place for me. I was in England many years ago, but not in that area of the country. I always thought I'd get the chance to return, but I never did.

  17. It's not quite the same but...

  18. Nicolas: No, not the same. But better than nothing. Thanks. I still think a 'theme' park would work. If done by some one with some style and vision and a real love of Christie's work. :)

  19. Yvette, i absolutely love this post!!!!
    I wish there was this place you describe!!!
    brilliant idea!!a magic world!!!!

  20. Martha: I know! I wish this place existed as well. Why hasn't anyone ever done it? I tell you, if I had the money I'd look into it. Every mystery lover in the world would want to come. HA!


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