
Monday, January 17, 2011

Fashions Galore, Never Mind the Awards!

The fashion show that is the Golden Globes Awards went on as scheduled last night. Didn't see it. But I loved the fashion round-up in today's NY Times. So, for those of you didn't watch the awards either, here's the part that really matters, the fashions in an easy to watch slide show. My own Favorites?

Halle Berry
Tilda Swinton
Anne Hathaway
Clare Danes
Olivia Wilde
Jennifer Lopez
Emma Stone
Natalie Portman (if only she hadn't worn that necklace, the dress didn't need it)

So, who were your favorites?

Oh, and by the way, here's a list of the Award Winners, also from the NY TIMES.


  1. Am watching it now... had to record it last night... LOVE the awards shows, so much fun to watch them!

  2. Wallace: Don't forget to post your favorites!


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