
Monday, November 29, 2010

2011 Calendar Gifts

Just a few calendars I saw that looked interesting for the new year. I'm wondering if calendars, though, aren't going to go the way of the dodo since the computer is perfectly capable of telling you what day it is and at the touch of finger, the entire month flashes on the screen. My computer, in its ever expanding quest to be helpful, has a calendar/appointment thing I could activate if I wanted to, but I'm not that handy with it. I'd still rather have a hard copy- something with pages I can write in. But I wonder how many other people still feel that way.


  1. I still like the idea of actualy writing plans down on a calendar - quick to view, no PC to fire up, no squinting at the keypad of your phone/organiser......

    I bought calendars as Christmas gifts while I was on holiday in NH and Maine - so the recipients get to enjoy the views I saw!

    I also treated myself to a 'Norman Rockwell' art calendar - something to enjoy and ponder over as I do the washing up each day! :-)

  2. Oh, I love scenic calendars. I have an older Norman Rockwell calendar here someplace that I never threw out, I just love the pictures too much. Deborah DeWit Marchant's calendars are pretty great too. I have the book-themed one from years ago where all the painings featured readers and/or books in different locations. (Been meaning to frame a couple of them.)The 'Simple Pleasures' calendar I'm showing in the post is all her work too. I love her work. Jack Vetriano's work reminds me of MAD MEN - doesn't it?

  3. Cells now have calendar features too. I have my calendar right NEXT to my computer. A 'real' one. I like paper. I like to jot things down rather than type them down. I spend enough time here already without it being my calendar too. This year's was the Old Farmer's Almanac Engagement Calendar, with little tidbits of lore and humor. I liked it so much that I got another for next year. "Why did the chicken cross the road? Because the rooster egged her on" Can I hear you groan?!

  4. Ha! That's cute, Nan. I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one who still values paper. Though trees probably don't like us much. :)

  5. Around here a tree starts growing the second the old one is cut down. It is an endless struggle to keep the fields free of trees.

  6. They do their best around here as well, though I only live a couple of blocks from the town center. Heck, we had a bear in the back last year and deer walking down the street.


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