
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Talk Like Jane Austen Day

It is a truth universally acknowledged that anyone and everyone would rather be speaking and writing like Miss Jane Austen today. I dare say I would much enjoy it myself. But do not fret unnecessarily. Although temptation does toy with me, I will not be led astray. Vexing though it may be.

You can do some listening here.


  1. As I sit in a comfotable home and within a happy disposition, I have lived many years in the world with little to distress me or cause vexation. Therefore, I conclude I am happily blessed upon this earth!

  2. I speak with enthusiasm when I say, your comments give me pleasure and comfort. :)

  3. The aim of good discourse is to educate and to entertain. It is exceedingly propitious that we should exchange such news that also enlightens and informs our inner being in order that we should better know those with whom we journey through our days.

  4. Good discourse and agreeable manners will guide us best. ;)

  5. Although an amiable 12,000 a year would suit very nicely.


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