
Monday, October 11, 2010

Sherlock Holmes on PBS

Just picked up this little tidbit: episodes of the new BBC Sherlock Holmes series will be available for free on from October 25th throught December 7, 2010. Great news! I've been lamenting having to wait for Netflix to see this update of Sherlock Holmes starring Benedict Cumberbatch as Holmes and Martin Freeman as Watson.

I've heard nothing but good things about this new, modern adaptation of Holmes.

Can't wait to see if it lives up to the hype.
As of now, November 29th, all three episodes of Sherlock, are being shown on the PBS website. Good to know.


  1. thanks for the info!!! gotta put this on my calendar!!!! judy

  2. It is so nice to find your blog. You have so many interesting posts and links, and I've spent some enjoyable time looking around here tonight.

    I am very excited to hear this news! I'm marking my calendar. Dare we hope the new version will be as good as the old classics starring Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce?

  3. Hi Pat, thanks for dropping by this evening and thanks for the kind words re: my blog. Yes, the Sherlock Holmes news made my day, no question. I am a major Holmes fan. Nice to meet another one. ;)

  4. I loved this new version of the Holmes stories. I bought the DVD from the UK because I thought it would never be shown on Australian TV & of course it starts on one of the commercial stations on Sunday night! Still, I can't stand the ads so I'm glad I bought the DVD & saw it without. I hope you enjoy the series when you see it.

  5. Lyn,I have a feeling I'm going to like this new version even though I'm often leery of 'new' Sherlock Holmes. (Hated the film with Robert Downey.) But from everything I've read, this PBS show looks pretty good. Can't wait to see it!

  6. I watched this on BBC and have to say "YAY" - it was quirky and wonderful! And Benedict & the cast have just won an award on TV (writing as I'm watching!) And they're making a further series (double YAY!)

    Love to read your comments after you've seen it, Yvette!

  7. Sue, now I'm even MORE excited to see it. All good comments, not one negative! I will definitely post a comment or two. ;)

  8. I've seen two of the Sherlock episodes in Canada (missed the first one though) and quite enjoyed them, I even went back and reread some of the original stories afterwards.

  9. I can't wait to see them myself! I've heard all good things. I love the original stories as well. Carolyn are you familiar with Laurie R. King's Sherlock Holmes and Mary Russell series? If not, you might check them out. Begin with THE BEEKEEPER'S APPRENTICE. This is a wonderful series.


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