
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Happy Birthday, Dame Agatha!

The day slipped away from me and here I am, at the last minute, posting Anniversary Birthday Wishes for Agatha Christie, one of my favorite authors of all time. (She would have been 120 years old today.) In celebration tonight I'm watching Murder in Mesopotamia with David Suchet (of course) as Poirot (Though I'm not happy with the changes made to the original story by the screenwriters, still, it is a fun story.). The library sent me an email announcing that a requested copy of The Labours of Hercules is in. I'll be picking it up tomorrow. (I did read this collection of short stories years and years ago, but can't remember much about it, so it will be like re-reading this for the first time. More or less.) So that's what I'm up to, Agatha Christie-wise, this week.

The covers posted above are from some of my favorite Christie books . I wanted to add a little color and pizzazz to the post. Not to mention a birthday cake that I wish were real. Who couldn't eat birthday cake any time of the day or night? And of course, a crown for the queen of mystery.

Also, as part of the celebration, please check out Kerrie Smith's Agatha Christie Carnival
posts and quizzes. I'm rushing over there right now to take the quiz which will challenge my knowledge of the great Agatha's books. Janet Rudolph over at Mystery Fanfare is talking about the pleasures of re-reading the books, something I'm sure we all know a little bit about. She also has a list of the alternate titles given some of the books. Les, over at Classic Mysteries has a link here to his podcasts of Agatha Christie reviews.


  1. Happy Birthday Dame Agatha. My favorite author of all time. You put the covers of two of my favorites in the post...The Man in the Brown Suit and The Secret of Chimneys.

  2. Love the vintage covers! Murder in Mesopotamia (the book) is also one of my favorites: a thinly veiled portrait of the Wooleys against a great backdrop. Great post, Yvette.

  3. Ryan, those are (obviously) two of my very favorites, as well. In fact, I began re-reading THE SECRET OF CHIMNEYS last night with dinner. I am incorrigible. ;) Funny thing about THE MAN IN THE BROWN SUIT is that Christie pulls almost the same routine in that book as she does (to a greater extent, of course), in THE MURDER OF ROGER ACKROYD, but nobody seemed to notice.

  4. Elizabeth I found TWO more vintage covers and replaced two of the newer covers this morning. It was fun to search them out. I wish the film version followed the book more closely in MURDER IN MESOPOTAMIA. And I HATE that they made Poirot seem to be doddering after some woman. As if! ;)

  5. Such wonderful covers! I LOVED the Baghdad book. I wrote about it:

    I love Victoria! I haven't read the others... yet. So many treasures await me!

  6. Then you will also love THE MAN IN THE BROWN SUIT, Nan. I know it. Brown Suit and Baghdad are the two Christie books I most reread. If you haven't read any other Christie books, then wow! you're in for many, MANY treats.

  7. Oh I see, Nan. You've read some of them, just not ALL of them. The ten I posted are not to be missed, at any rate. ;)


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