
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Read 'Em Their Rights!

Quentin Blake is a master of the kind of illustration that looks easy but is damn hard to get right. I love his work. Love this poster. Love the content - readers gotta' have rights - right? Lots of love going on here. Daniel Pennac's book, The Rights of Readers was first published in 1992 then retranslated from the French in 2008 with a forward and illustrations by Blake. Thanks to Book Browse for the info.

To read the poster, click on picture for larger view.


  1. I love this poster... have never seen it before. It's fantastic.

  2. I loved it too. If you go on over to Book Browse, you can print it out. Thanks for posting.

  3. Lovely - especially like the warning...

  4. LOVE!!!Quentin Blake and I have never seen this poster either and I MUST have it! I will be swiftly searching the internet to BUY NOW! THANKS YVETTE!!!

  5. Jean, if you follow the link over to Book Browse you can download the poster and print it out. Nice and handy.


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